segunda-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2023

The final harvesting

We are in the middle of the final harvesting for the Terrans. In one of my other articles I told you that the Source decided to stop giving humanity additional chances, and that from then on, the collapse of the human society became inevitable.

As we can clearly see now with the current events, what the Source warned me before (even though he/she told me that my discernment will be tested sometimes, because people shouldn't depend on a single authority to guide their lives) was indeed correct.

What is happening is that, after uncountable ignored warnings and chances for the living beings of this planet, the Source is now finally delivering divine justice, and collecting the final harvesting of the bad actions and decisions of the Earthlings.

It’s important to note that this is not only limited to humanity, and there is great suffering and desperation in the entire planet, with some dimensions and areas being more spared than the others of course.

That’s why we are seeing all this destruction, despair, fear, suffering and anger, specially in the surface of the planet and in the lower spiritual dimensions. It came to the point where all this negativity accumulated throughout ages had to be purified once and for all, since as divine justice always works in its own pace, all this madness needs to come to an end forever now.

And the worst of it all is: Humanity still don’t want, and won’t change.

Therefore, even though the collapse can’t be avoided anymore, it won’t be relieved neither. It’s very easy to see the true face behind the mask of humanity, since the majority of their lightworkers are actually cruel and self interested people to great degrees, when they feel it’s safe to remove their masks.

As I also told you before, you can fool each other and your neighbors, but you can’t fool the Source, so I suggest people who are reading this article to prepare for more harsh moments in the future.

There were many eras already, with many humanities that came and became extinct, but the Source has decided not to extinguish this humanity now, even though it has lost its principle. This time, after the purification, things will finally change forever in this planet. There won’t be rising and falling civilizations anymore like in the past, but a leap that will lead the planet to a higher dimension.

When that will happen, nobody knows, but you can rest assured that the dark forces won’t be able to survive beyond 2025, since the Source himself/herself has already confirmed this. Maybe a few weak and disoriented groups and individuals will remain, but the dark forces as an opposing strength to the light forces will be gone forever.

However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the divine intervention will start soon after that, since as I said, the problem of this planet is not exactly the cabal (they don’t force anybody to do something in many of the cases), but the terrible decisions that the beings collectively make, which create a lot of negativity, hate, revenge and suffering.

And to conclude this update, I’m going to forward a message from the Source to the lightworkers of this planet, even though I don’t like the vast majority of the lightworkers and their fake and self interested personality.

It is now possible to receive healing, both for yourself and your loved ones, at distance. This process works with the usage of the Mjolnir technology, which is able to send very advanced medical substances, directly to the blood flow of humans and animals (and plants too, even though plants will be healed in different ways since they don’t have blood), among other types of distance healing treatments. You need to ask the Source or the light forces for the distance healing, however, be it for you or for your loved ones.

This can work miraculously, since the technology and medical knowledge of the light forces is much more advanced than of the human medicine. It doesn’t mean, however, that people and animals will need to stop going to the doctor when needed, because it’s a PARTNERSHIP. The light forces respect the human medicine and will work in partnership with the human doctors, even though the human doctors won’t realize this. So the light forces will support the healing process, but will heal beings by themselves in cases where the human doctors are not able to help, or when the treatment takes too long, it’s too difficult and etc. It won’t be something magical too, the healing will in most cases be done on a day to day basis, but yes, the improvement will be visible over time.

So basically, in almost 100% of the cases where people, animals and plants need healing, they will be able to be healed now, as long as they request help to the Source, or to the light forces.

But there is an important detail: People need to ask for forgiveness for the mistakes they committed, which caused that particular illness. This can be done in the thoughts, talking to the Source. Animals can’t do that, of course, so their owners need to ask for forgiveness for their own mistakes, and the mistakes of their pets too, because even though animals don’t have the same level of awareness that we do, they can also make bad decisions, based on their instincts.

So people who suffer from chronic pain, or incurable diseases and etc. can start asking for distance healing now, and will see the real results over time. It’s important to remember the details, however. It’s not “magic”, it may take some time for the healing to occur, it’s not recommended that you abandon your human doctors when you need to go to them, that you also ask for forgiveness for the mistakes that cause the disease, that you continue taking good care of your body, and etc. It’s even possible that the light forces can purify the bodies of people after multiple human medications being taken.

And by the way, the cabal can’t do anything about this. THE CABAL HAS NO POWER, it’s exactly the opposite of what we’ve been told. The responsible for the madness of this planet are us, not them. Yes, they make everything worse, but they don’t force people to hate each other in most cases.

Both the light and dark forces always intervene when they have the chance. Do you think the cabal would have respected the treaty with the light forces, when they had the toplet bombs to guard themselves in the past?

So, even though this treaty exists, it is not followed by either sides. If the cabal tries to stop the distance healing process, they will be severely punished. People, animals and plants have the right for health, and the cabal has NO RIGHT to say something about it.

By the way, we can see in the pages of history, multiple events in which both the light and the dark forces physically interfered with the human world.

It’s important to spread the word about the distance healing far and wide now, but explaining the details about it too. Remember that you won’t be able to request healing for your family always, since they also need to have a say in some of the cases (but you can “trick” them saying you will pray for him or her, asking for the healing, and if he or she doesn’t disagree, that will mean yes already. It may be necessary for the person to ask for forgiveness in some cases too). You are, though, 100% responsible for yourself, your animals and plants, and by sharing the words about the distance healing, you don’t need to be too specific, talking about the Mjolnir technology and etc. Only saying “healing done at distance by the angels” will be enough for the permission to be given in most cases.

So that's it, lightworkers. Even though you don't like me because you get triggered by the aholecons, i'm giving you this knowledge for free.



I forgot to say, but after the request I made to the Source, people and animals can now also receive protection at distance, with the Mjolnir technology.

By the way, this blog is much more famous than it seems. So rest assured that even though there is almost no interaction in my posts, a lot of "lightworkers" do read them. Most of them don't say anything because they get aholecon triggered and are very obedient with the aholecons 😂.

Victory of the light!

quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2023

Part 4: How I cleared huge amounts of darkness

I’m going to reveal now mind blowing details about what happened behind the scenes during my personal war against the chimera group. I only found out these details recently, after the Source personally told me them.

When I was digitally fighting the British Air Force from Ascension Island, I knew they were of the chimera group, but I didn’t know many details at that time. I note here that I’m not saying that the entire British Armed Forces belonged to the dark forces. Nowadays, the truth is actually the opposite, since the light forces infiltrated the police and many of the armies of the world and took power over to the light again.

In the past, though, the chimera group controlled the Ascension base of the British Air Force, and they were desperately trying to put my computer in their internet network. They were failing, since I decided that I was not going to use that unknown internet network anymore, and I knew that they would not give up, so I had to fight.

Much earlier than my attack on them with the Mjolnir in 2018, and after many frustrating attempts to force me on their network, they decided they were going to try to kill me. They were fed up with my stubbornness and decided to try to end everything killing me. The Source told me that the chimera controlled British Air Force sent 100 ELITE BRITISH SOLDIERS from the Ascension Island base to come to kill me.

The “leaders” of my country obviously allowed the Brits to send the soldiers, and the soldiers came by boat, bringing in heavy military gear with them. They even brought machine guns, and intended to create a lot of suffering and harm to me.

So, when the British soldiers landed in the territory of my country, THEY WERE AMBUSHED BY THE LIGHT FORCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Source told me that there was a huge battle, with the positive extraterrestrials completely annihilating the British elite forces. All British soldiers were killed, and the light forces retreated quietly so that nobody would realize what happened.

After the failed attack, the chimera group controlled staff of the Ascension Base panicked. They knew that this situation wasn’t normal at all, and didn’t know what to do. They faced some fanatic religious people in the past, and it was challenging for them, but the Source told me that they never faced a challenge like that.

But they didn’t give up, and continued trying to put my computer in their network. I was told that the ENTIRE BASE was involved on putting my computer in their network, and I didn’t even dream about that in the past. I thought only their internet security staff was involved in this, but not. The entire base was freaking out at the time (the base is controlled by the light forces today and the staff there are of positive people now).

There were scientists involved, soldiers, military leaders and so on, and they were all focused on making me submit to them.

But they were not being successful because I was repelling all their attempts, and after some time, the staff of the base started to feel that they were going to die. They didn’t say anything, and pretended it wasn’t truth, but they starting having this kind of intuition anyway.

It looks like most, if not all of them were shapeshifters, and most of them were of insectoid origin, but with human (British) appearance.

So, the digital war continued for a long time, and as I knew they would NOT give up, I decided I had to act, to protect my rights and freedom. They tried to kill me before with direct energy weapons, and failed, they tried to kill me with black magic and failed, they tried to kill me with the elite British soldiers, and failed, and most likely they tried other things that I don’t know about and failed too. You simply don’t understand the mentality of these guys.

Of course I’m not Rambo, and I only survived because of the protection of the Source (God), the light forces and my Higher Self (the God Shenlong).

Yes, I also played my part in my protection, praying everyday and holding the light as much as I could, but I’m only a human, and it would not be possible for me to survive on my own.

So, in march 2018 it happened. I requested the Source (and thus the light forces) a direct attack with the Mjolnir technology on the people who were targeting me. After a few hours, I sensed that the attack worked, but I thought that only their leaders were teleported with the Mjolnir, to the facilities of the light forces. I couldn’t be more wrong.

Actually, the Source and the light forces ANNIHILATED their base! It was a directed explosion exactly at the coordinates of their base, and the explosion was so huge, that it appeared that the Ascension Island base had been nuked!!!!!!!!!!

Not only the surface part of the base was hit, but also the underwater area. It was a mess there, and the chimera group did everything they could for the world not to know about what happened. Even though the Ascension Island base was destroyed, the other bases, in the bases complex, remained, and they simply FREAKED OUT after my attack.

Actually, they freaked out so badly that they STARTED A FULL SCALE ALIEN INVASION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that’s exactly what you are reading, after the Ascension Island base was destroyed, the chimera group ordered a full invasion of the surface of the planet.

So a huge armada of extraterrestrial ships emerged from the water, preparing to attack the cities, BUT THEN THE LIGHT FORCES CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So another huge battle started, and this time MUCH, MUCH bigger than the battle at the beach!!!!!!!!! The UFOS were battling in the area of the Ascension Island, in the skies of the region. The Source told me that the size of the battle was enough to be considered a full scale planetary invasion conflict.

The force that they sent consisted of thousands of ships of various sizes and capabilities, and it would have been a huge challenge to defend against it by ourselves. Probably impossible. But the light forces also sent their fleet and the huge battle raged.

After the battle, the dark forces were annihilated again, and unfortunately the chimera were successful in attacking my father later. After that attack things became really personal for me and I decided that I was going to fight until where it was necessary, not only to use my personal internet network freely, but mainly to protect my family.

So it was an extremely tense period, not only to me, but to the light and dark forces too. After that attack, the entire Ascension Island bases complex was involved in the situation. I could sense them spying on me via the cell phones of other people, they spyed on me via satellite and were terribly angry with all that situation.

But there were very positive things happening too, and even a new light civilization anchored themselves on the planet to help me, since now both the light and dark forces knew that I was the person of the prophecy of the Source. Things were going to be decided from there on, and both sides knew this.

So the digital war continued, and the chimera still couldn’t put my computer in their internet network. Not even with the tainted hardware that I was using, since my internet provider was also helping them.

The light forces couldn’t really decide everything, because there was the toplet bombs risk. So none of the sides tried a final act, since it was too risky. It was the first time that the chimera group and it’s territories were directly at a military threat, since their bases were very well defended at that time. But now, with the Mjolnir, they were very vulnerable.

After they attacked my father again in the end of 2018, I had a spiritual insight and was able to understand how I could checkmate them. It wasn’t enough just to teleport them to prisons using the Mjolnir, they needed to FEAR greatly being teleported. So I gave the idea for the light forces to send them to their previous victims (after teleporting them with the Mjolnir, if they tried to detonate any toplet bomb).

And it was this change in the strategy that checkmated the chimera group. The light forces could naturally arrange an environment and put terrible psychopaths to live there. These psychopats would be only living the life that they are used to live, with like-minded psychopats, and if the chimera group members were sent there, they would NOT be the leaders, but the “fresh ones” arriving. It would be a total nightmare for the members of the chimera, especially because they are very negative and know very well what would happen to them if they were sent there.

So, after being “choke off”, the chimera were finally forced to leave me alone, since one wrong step would cause them serious suffering. And then the light forces started their huge offensives in many places that they simply could not attack before, as the toplet bombs made everything too risky.

Well, the rest of the story you already know, and you can read the entire story here:

How I cleared huge amounts of darkness – Part1

How I cleared huge amounts of darkness – Part 2

How I cleared huge amounts of darkness – Part 3

From 2019 onward, the war continued and the chimera were able to put the Ascension Island base back to work, and the base was only completely destroyed in 2020, and I had a vision of it.

But even before the total destruction of the base, and the invasion of the bases complex of the area, the chimera was being much more careful in dealing with me, since they knew it was way too risk for them to try anything, and I was also increasing my light quotient greatly too. It was only after 2018 that I stopped being a masked lightworker, like 70% of the lightworkers in average still are.

It created huge changes, not only in my personal life, but also in the planetary situation, and the Source told me that the very fabric of reality was changed because of that change. I’m very grateful for being a more complete light being today.

Anyways, I hope you all liked these mind blowing details about very secret things that happened in our planet, related the light vs darkness war. After 2019, the light forces didn’t stop attacking the chimera group anymore, and it looks like that the chimera is already defeated now. I don’t know much about it because I stopped reading the updates of envious sources, since this kind of people (some of whom I used to respect and venerate in the past) don’t deserve attention.

I also feel sorry for the “lightworkers” for so much false hope and deceiving, since the real problem with the Earth is not the cabal and mass meditations won’t change anything. This planet will only change when the Earthlings really start vibrating light, and currently not even the lightworkers correctly do that, let alone humanity itself. If the "lightworkers" were really good people deep down (there are exceptions of course), they would have at least helped me with the plan to fix the world. They didn't, because the aholecons tell them not to support anything that comes from me, and they obey the aholecons (unless it rewards them somehow). I say this because I still hope the lightworkers can change and become real light beings, not because of personal reasons, but because I want this planet to be free and liberated.

But most likely the vast majority of the “lightworkers” won’t see any divine intervention in their lifetime. It’s their own choices for not wanting to change.

Victory of the light!

sábado, 7 de outubro de 2023

@Galactic Light Forces

To the Galactic Light Forces

There is no need for that message anymore. We just need to increase the light. Always.


A note to the readers of the blog:

Yesterday I created a post here talking to the light forces about the fact that the majority of "lightworkers" of Earth don't like me (without any real reason, and only because the aholecons tell them not to like me, and they obey the aholecons). 

Given the circumstances, the dislike is mutual, and I don't care at all about their dislike for me. But I decided to erase the post, since i'll choose to connect myself with the light only, and i'll leave these masked lightworkers to face the consequences of their falseness by themselves (and the consequences will be continuous disharmony in their lives, until they learn how to correctly vibrate light to satisfactory degrees).

The Source personally told me that my story will be always honored, and that the galactic light forces cherish me and value me for what i've done. This is very important to me!
He/She also said that what I achieved will go to the book of life one day. When that happens, i'll say nothing more than the truth.

I'll say the truth about people who envied me without any reason, and i'll say the truth about who the "lightworkers" of this planet really are (with some exceptions, of course). If they were really good people deep down, they would have at least helped me with the plan to fix the world. They didn't, because the aholecons tell them not to support anything that comes from me, and they obey the aholecons (unless it rewards them somehow).

They will go to the book of life as envious or fake people, while i'll go to the book of life for my achievements, such as clearing huge amounts of darkness 😁.

That's enough for me to realize that it doesn't matter what happened anymore. The one who planted good fruits will reap the good fruits, and those who were envious or masked will reap the fruits of their enviousness and falseness. And the entire universe will see this.

That way i'll continue on my light and will allow darkness to collapse on itself, without giving attention to it.

Victory of the light!

terça-feira, 29 de agosto de 2023

Part 3: The origins of the reptilian race

In the subsequent years after the invasion of the planet in 1996, not many changes were perceived by the population of the surface of the Earth. Even though the physical plane of the Earth was also invaded, the main problem of that aspect of the invasion were the subterranean realms, known as Agartha.

There was also demonic presence in the human cities of the surface after the invasion, mostly with shapeshifting negative reptilians and other negative creatures, but the dark forces wanted surface humanity to keep going on with their daily lives, without knowing that Earth had been invaded.

In Agartha, however, things were ugly, and a huge war started there after 1996. The light quotient of Earth, even though wasn’t very high, was more than enough to repel the extreme negativity of the invaders, and the agarthans wiped out the invading dark forces.

The dark forces had their arses whooped inside the Earth and outside too, and their invasion was mostly repelled. But yes, the invasion created problems and delays, and it was estimated that it would take around 20 years to completely reverse the effects of the invasion from 1996.

It was after september 11th, 2001, that the cabal (globalist "world leaders") really started trying to take over the surface of the planet completely. After 9/11, the dark forces started focusing much more on the domination of the physical plane's surface, and it finally started becoming visible for the surface humanity that something strange was going on.

This process never stopped, and only became worse, and now most of humanity knows that something strange is going on in our planet, even though many still don’t fully understand the big picture.

What people need to understand, however, is that there is no such thing as “no interference” from the light and dark forces. Yes, there is a pact of non-interference, but none of the sides respect this pact when they have a chance to act freely.

Unfortunately, the dark forces still kill many people on the surface of the planet, mostly in abandoned or isolated areas, and many myths, legends and urban legends about different types of demonic creatures, have some truth to them.

However, it is also true that the light forces physically intervene and protect humanity and other earthlings in many situations. It’s much more about morality, character and deserving, than about the pact of non-interference. If people have a low level morality and character, they will be much more susceptible to the dangers of the dark forces, and the opposite of it is also true.

At the year of 2012, the galactic light forces fully invaded planet Earth, to take the power over from the dark forces, who still partially control the planet, controlling most of the human leaders, science, part of the police force and armies, space exploration companies and etc.

This invasion happened mostly on the spiritual realms too, and huge military campaigns started on the etheric and astral planes of the Earth since 2012. The light forces are very close to a total victory, and it is estimated by highly reliable sources that the dark forces on Earth won’t be able to survive until after 2025.

After the implementation of the Ankhara treaty, a huge part of the dark forces surrendered, but there were still trillions upon trillions of demonic beings fighting for the dark forces. So the Source fulfilled a very ancient prophecy, in which a single person, that would be considered the Source in human form, would be able to clear huge amounts of darkness one day, when the galactic wars were close to it’s conclusion.

It’s estimated that this person, “alone”, removed directly or indirectly at least 90% of the remaining members of the dark forces. This person is known to be the reincarnation of Bruce Lee.

Of course this person didn’t do it all alone. The Source, the Ascended Masters, the person’s family and the light forces helped a lot, that’s why many of the dark beings that the person cleared, were indirect clearings actually, and it would not have been possible without help.

Now the war rages on the surface of the Earth very intensely too, but it is not viewed by the vast majority of humans, since both the dark and light forces don’t want this. Many special operations are going on, in deserted and abandoned areas, hidden places, forests, mountain regions and etc. Where shapeshifting negative reptilians and other negative beings are being hunted down and brought to justice for all the horrors they have committed.

Since the dark forces that came before the quarantine, and the ones who reinforced the negative armies after the quarantine, knew that they would not be able to defeat humanity head on, they decided they were going to use their psychic powers (in which humanity gradually lost over time) to change their forms, using human DNA, and infiltrate humanity.

These shapeshifters, together with some governments and authorities of the Earth, created many environments, including environments on the surface of the Earth, in which they freely killed and fed on humans. Mostly abandoned or far-off places, and in the past these shapeshifters had almost no opposition.

But now, for their horror, these shapeshifters are being hunted down tooth and nail by the light forces and even the human police, and they are going to pay for their crimes, no matter if they were crimes against humans or other species.

Thus, after the liberation of Earth, that is estimated to be close, the entire reptilian race will close forever one dark chapter of it’s own history, becoming again divine and evolving beings, just like the Source, Creator God, wanted them to be.

Many reptilian planets in the free universe are already healed from the tainting of the Lucifer rebellion, and the negativity that happened at that time is considered past to them.

It’s important now that all the races come together as one, after all, we are all divine sparks. No matter if you are a human, a reptilian, a feline, a canine, we all are one and the same, and we can’t allow beings who fell to darkness and refuse to return to the light, to destroy us, our planets, our peoples and our cultures. There is still a little time left for the beings of darkness to see this and accept their healing.

It’s time to unite and end darkness and suffering in our universe forever!

Victory of the light!