To the Galactic Light Forces
There is no need for that message anymore. We just need to increase the light. Always.
A note to the readers of the blog:
Yesterday I created a post here talking to the light forces about the fact that the majority of "lightworkers" of Earth don't like me (without any real reason, and only because the aholecons tell them not to like me, and they obey the aholecons).
Given the circumstances, the dislike is mutual, and I don't care at all about their dislike for me. But I decided to erase the post, since i'll choose to connect myself with the light only, and i'll leave these masked lightworkers to face the consequences of their falseness by themselves (and the consequences will be continuous disharmony in their lives, until they learn how to correctly vibrate light to satisfactory degrees).
The Source personally told me that my story will be always
honored, and that the galactic light forces cherish me and value me
for what i've done. This is very important to me!
He/She also
said that what I achieved will go to the book of life one day. When
that happens, i'll say nothing more than the truth.
I'll say the truth about people who envied me without any reason, and i'll say the truth about who the "lightworkers" of this planet really are (with some exceptions, of course). If they were really good people deep down, they would have at least helped me with the plan to fix the world. They didn't, because the aholecons tell them not to support anything that comes from me, and they obey the aholecons (unless it rewards them somehow).
They will go to the book of life as envious or fake people, while i'll go to the book of life for my achievements, such as clearing huge amounts of darkness 😁.
That's enough for me to realize that it doesn't matter what happened anymore. The one who planted good fruits will reap the good fruits, and those who were envious or masked will reap the fruits of their enviousness and falseness. And the entire universe will see this.
That way i'll continue on my light and will allow darkness to collapse on itself, without giving attention to it.
Victory of the light!
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