plan to fix the world. (Note: English is not the native language of
the writer of this text)
This is a detailed idea on
how we as Earthlings can change our planet for the better without
depending on someone else. Please, express these ideas to our
“leaders” (they are actually our servants) for them to start applying this
plan immediately.
All these ideas can be applied if we unite, to solve these main
problems of our world:
- World hunger
- World thirst
- Homelessness
- The usage of fossil fuels
- Garbage management and landfill
- Problems related to space travel
- Overpopulation
- Depression and other problems related to it
- Unhealthy work journey
- Urban animal starvation
We’ll try to be as
brief as possible, to make the reading easier, and the only force
that can stop us from achieving these goals, is our own passivity. If
we focus with unity, we’ll be able to do it all in a few years. If
we reach thousands of people reading this, there won’t be
any excuse anymore.
Problem number 1: World hunger.
This problem is relatively easy to solve. We only need to start creating mass public gardens, in the main cities of the countries. These public gardens can be managed by automatic watering systems, drones and volunteers, who will take care of pest control, manage the lines of people (using smartphones, passwords and automatic processes), distribution of food and etc. Animal husbandry is not recommended because of possible ozone layer problems related to it.
By the way, we can also create vertical public gardens, because it will make the process much easier, faster and less spacious.
If our “leaders” really care about us, they can donate the lands for the gardens to be started, the seeds, the watering system technology and pest control chemicals. If not, donors can, and actually this idea will help the economy. The Vatican also has plenty of wealth and gold, and if they are sincere in their desire to help humanity, they can donate a part of their wealth to this project.
The rest will be up to the volunteers. The cost of this idea will be minimal compared to what our governments (at least in the developed countries) can afford. A lot of money is used in the Olympic Games, World Cups, musical events, wars and etc. And even though these events (except for war) are also important, to finish off the world’s main problems is much more important now. If we transfer the funds from these events, to our projects to fix the world with our own hands, there will be more than enough money.
Food obtained through the public gardens cannot be sold, and people who earn more than one minimum wage will have to prove their inability to buy food on their own, since the public gardens will be created to help the poor.
Let us remember that the right to be fed is inalienable,
regardless of our personal views on why some people starve in our
Problem number 2: World thirst.
This problem is also relatively easy to solve. We have huge oceans, so the answer to solve this problem is to massively start creating plants to remove the salt from the sea water, turning it into drinkable water. Some countries like Israel already use this technology, and even though it may be expensive, it must be a priority because we shouldn't allow people to go thirsty, while they spend millions of dollars with the Olympic Games, World Cups, musical events, wars, corruption and etc. We need to persuade our "leaders" to start using our money correctly. In most countries, only a few plants can bring water to the whole population, and developed countries can help poor countries to build the plants (this will also impact the economy in a positive way).
There are other solutions which may help to reduce the financial
cost of this idea. One of them is the massive capitation of rain
water to refill areas in need of water, invest in technologies that
can turn the air particles into water or recycle the water (even if
not for personal use). After some time the financial cost of this
idea will be reduced, because breakthroughs will be made about it.
Let us remember that the right to drink water is inalienable,
regardless of our personal views on why some people go thirst in our
Problem number 3: Homelessness.
This problem is also relatively easy to solve. Today we have the technology of 3D printing, so printing homes with low cost, but safe materials, will solve this problem. Stones are very abundant in our planet, and 3D printers can be adapted to print with different materials. If we can 3D print houses made of stone or granite, for example, in a few years the problems of homelessness will be solved. Some 3D printers were already used to print houses successfully. Solar power and other green initiatives can help lowering the costs of life of the many families which will live in these houses. Ancient Egypt style homes (which used mud bricks) could also be built in areas like the middle east, with adapted 3D printers.
For those who say that these technologies are expensive, my answer is: If we stop spending money on the Olympic Games, World Cups, musical events, wars and etc, there will be enough money.
We can also build and use prefabricated homes, to cheapen the process and make it faster too.
Let us remember that the right to own a home is inalienable,
regardless of our personal views on why some people don’t in our
Problem number 4: The usage of fossil fuels
This one is also quite simple. We need solar powered cars and hydrogen or salt water based cars. Not only cars, but all kinds of vehicles. There are already prototypes of hydrogen base cars and they work quite fine. Solar powered cars are also a real possibility with our current level of technology. These ideas will also help us reducing the world’s pollution.
Solar power is expensive only if we don’t focus on making it cheap, since there are amateur engineers in India which create solar panels with homemade materials. As long as we keep believing it is not possible, it’s expensive and etc. We WON’T have any change.
Plus, if we stop spending money on the Olympic Games, World Cups,
musical events, wars and etc, there will be enough money.
Let us remember that the fossil fuels usage is harmful to our planet, so we should be against it regardless of our personal views.
Problem number 5: Garbage management and landfill
This one is also quite simple to solve. All organic trash can be buried deep under the earth, with 0 (ZERO) negative impact on the environment. Actually this is very positive for the planet, because the trash will be turned into fertilizer. The theories which are against this practice, claiming to protect the environment are WRONG. There is NO problem to this practice, the trash will become fertilizer.
About the non-organic trash, like plastic, cardboard and etc. They can be sent to recycling, and even if 50% of it is indeed recycled, we will have 75% of the world’s garbage disposed in a safe, easy and quick way.
We also need strong laws to protect the environment in all the countries of the world. These laws need take away money from people that disobey them. That is one of the best ways to guarantee that people will indeed obey them.
Let us remember that the right to have a clean planet is
inalienable, regardless of our personal views on why we don’t.
Problem number 6: Problems related to space travel
don’t need to go to Mars to start colonizing the universe. With our
current level of technology, we can start creating space “villages”
close to Earth. These villages can be like the international space
station, using methods that will make it possible for the villages to
grow up even more after some time.
Space rockets with plug-in plates can be used, docked, embedded and connected to each other via tunnel systems. 3D printers can also help creating structures, big halls where people from different parts of the village may come and gather, schools, small houses, cinemas, gardens, and these villages could have multiple floors, where everything will be connected via tunnels and docked structures. Gyroscopes can be used to reposition the space village when needed.
Even a round structure can be formed with time, creating an artificial planet. These space rockets, structures and tunnels need to be pervaded by solar power panels, and the village will get their power exactly from that. This will reduce the Earth’s population by far and improve the life quality from the Earthlings in the future.
They will still be close to Earth, so they can work in home office, buy and sell from and to Earth, (the trade system can be done by autonomous rockets) eat from their own farms, recycle their water (and import water from the salt water plants from Earth) to improve their space village every time more. Democratic governments must be formed, and law and order must prevail. If I'm not wrong, burning their garbage in the space won’t have any negative impact to the universe, as they won’t have a ozone layer. Burning garbage capsules could be used for this.
Their villages will have enough space to build even hospitals (the 3D printers can increase the space indefinably) so one day they won’t even need to go to Earth for their daily life’s needs. People will be born in these space villages, and with time, the space technology will improve so much, due to experience, that reaching mars will be very well possible.
Let us remember that the right to peacefully colonize the
universe is inalienable, regardless of our personal views on why we
Problem number 7: Overpopulation
Actually we have plenty of space on Earth. We are just not using
it quite well. To solve this we need to build artificial islands (not
using sand, as this can impact the planet in a negative way). These
islands can be created with real floating structures or structures
built above water, and every possible house, building and structure
must be waterproof and able to float on water, to avoid accidents.
The houses could be like low cost, but safe, yachts. All alternative
methods talked about before, like solar power panels, salt water
filtering plants, public gardens and etc. CAN be used to sustain the
lives of these islands.
Let us remember that the right to live a planet with plenty of free space is inalienable, regardless of our personal views on why we don't in our world.
Problem number 8: Depression
Even though this solution won’t solve all types of depression,
it surely helps in some of them.
Charity is a very efficient
natural remedy against depression. Even if it is a specific type of
charity, like animal charity.
It has to do with being part of something good, helping the
solution of the problem of others, finding a meaning to your life
helping others and feeling useful. You will also feel lighter after
charity, and some people will feel their religious or spiritual
purpose is being fulfilled. It is very positive to our planet and
also helps people to lower their depression to great
Let us remember that the right to live a life without depression is inalienable,
regardless of our personal views on why some people don't in our
Problem number 9: Unhealthy working journey
This problem is also relatively easy to solve. We can still have a strong world economy, without the need to work exhaustively. To have a healthy working journey, a possible solution could be considered:
- Monday – Optional working day
- Tuesday – Working day
- Wednesday – Working day
- Thursday – Working day
- Friday – Home office optional day
- Saturday – Rest day
- Sunday – Rest day
For people who need to work at Saturdays and Sundays, or people
who can’t work in home office, there could be a turn-swap system,
so everybody will have plenty of time to rest, while still
maintaining a strong economy to their country. It's recommended not to go beyond 5-8 hours of work per day. Ideally, non essential establishments should open at 09:00 am, for people to have an appropriate night of sleep.
It's also highly recommended that every person above 18 years old receives a monthly basic income, being it the minimum wage of every country. It won't have any negative impact in the world economy because the money will return to the market anyway, and besides, it will make a lot of people who suffer from depression more motivated to come back to their working lives to earn even more money. That will create even more revenue to their countries.
Let us remember that the right to have a healthier work journey is inalienable, regardless of our personal views on why some people don't in our world.
Problem number 10: Urban animal starvation
To end urban animal starvation may not be as easy as to solve human starvation. However, there are possible ways in which we can achieve this.
start, it should be easy to say that with the same ways that we will
use to end the world’s thirst, we can also finish urban animal
thirst. Volunteers can fill gallons of water in specific areas of the
cities, for the urban animals to drink this water freely.
food, it may be a little bit more complicated, because the public
gardens won’t contain any meat for people or animals to eat, and
most urban dogs and cats would eat meat.
We can, however, create a mixture of vegetables and other greens, which will be planted in the public gardens, and use this mixture to feed the street animals. A few examples of this type of food are potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, broccoli and etc. mixed together, to create a special pasta which can be easily distributed to the street animals, in the same area where the water will be distributed.
It is highly recommended to choose wide areas, with multiple fixed pots/gallons for food and water, so the animals won’t fight over food. The serving of the food and water can be done by volunteers, at least twice a day.
It’s recommended to castrate the female street animals, so it will be harder for street animals who don’t have any family to take care of them, to be born.
We also need lawful protocols to protect animal dignity in the slaughterhouses around the world. If people still can’t become vegetarians in our planet, at least the animals from the slaughterhouses need to be treated with dignity, living the longer and happier life possible before their slaughter. Their slaughter also needs to be ethical, quick, painless, clean, respectful and imperceptible for the animal. A minimum age for the animals to be slaughtered also needs to be created, so the animals will live a long and gratifying life before helping humanity with their meat.
Requirements of cleaning for the area and life quality for the animals need to be created for the slaughterhouses, minimum space, animal health care, diet, hygiene, recreation, sun bath, and physical exercise needs to be considered.
We need to create laws and make the public aware of this. The other animals should not be allowed to see, hear or perceive while some of their fellows are being slaughtered.
And while we are creating those changes, we need to use our technological development to create HEALTHY synthetic meats.
After that objective is reached, all the animals will be left alone
and humanity won’t need to consume real meat anymore. We need to
reach those objectives ASAP!!!!
Let us remember that the right of the animals to eat is inalienable,
regardless of our personal views on why some of them starve in our
As you can see...
The solutions to the world’s main problems are not so much difficult. If we unite, we can make them happen. It is up to us, the citizens, to persuade our “leaders” (they are actually our servants) to start it. If we don’t, we may not have a planet or a civilization to take care in the near future.
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