quinta-feira, 29 de junho de 2023


Update on June 30th: It's important to clarify that proof and evidence are two different things. Evidence is something that may or may not become proof, while proof it's something definitive, rarely being contested successfully.


This is an ‘in between’ post, before the other posts that I talked about earlier.

Currently there is a lot of disinformation going on, as well as misinformation and partial truths. It’s not up to me to decide what you should believe or not, nor any other sources, it’s up to YOU.

However, I find myself in the obligation of explaining a few things here that are truth TO ME, and that I was able to confirm the with Source and other methods of confirmation of mine.

Again, you should also discern what I’m saying, and I’m not here to prove anything to anybody. I want the readers of my blog to resonate with me and the information I share. And YES, it’s possible even for someone who talks to the Source to commit mistakes, because there is always the possibility of a misunderstanding or misinterpretation about what the Source says.

I also feel it’s only fair for me to expose lies and misinformation from sources that said that I spread misinformation, or even from sources that are arrogant, envious and do not really think about the collective good. It’s up to you to decide who is right, and time will confirm or deny it. I, for myself, try to always believe what I can confirm somehow, or what I see, live or perceive myself. There are situations in which this is not possible, of course.

Clarifications through a few questions:

Question 1: What is the difference between God, The Source, and The Prime Creator?

Answer: None. There is no difference between the three. They all are the same being, perceived in different ways. God is the word that the humans use to describe The Source, the one and only consciousnesses of the universe, that “divided” itself to experience the creation. The Prime Creator, is one particular consciousnesses fraction of the Source that started the process of creation of the universe. They are all the same being.

Question 2: Is it truth that the reptilians on the surface of the planet are only reincarnated in human bodies, and they are not really shape-shifters, being the real shape-shiters only the top members of the cabal?

Answer: No, this is not truth.

There are indeed the reptilians, from all subspecies, that are only reincarnated in normal human bodies, such as myself, as my soul is draconian. In such cases, we have only SOULS from reptilians, but we are not supernatural beings, we are also humans, with human families, human lives and etc.

But it’s NOT all the reptilians (and other races too) that are like this, there are indeed the shape-shifters that live among humanity, and they are not always top members of the cabal. Legends of vampires, werewolfs, skin-walkers and other creatures, are actually talking about them.

(WARNING: I may NOT agree with all the information presented in these videos and links. They are for the only purpose of providing some evidence and validation for my answers, but I can still disagree with some of the statements and information in the videos.)

(WARNING 2: It is believed that not all shape-shifters are evil, and some are indeed helping humanity.)

Is Michael Jordan a top member of the cabal?

Is Keanu Reeves a top member of the cabal?


Is Angela Bassett a top member of the cabal?


Is Justin Bieber a top member of the cabal?


Is Adele a top member of the cabal?


There are many other examples, and even though we can accept the possibility that all this evidence could be inaccurate, historical accounts show us multiple unconfirmed indications about shape-shifting creatures that are hard to completely invalidate or validate. So it’s up to the person, religion or belief-system, to decide to believe or not.

I won’t keep answering many questions to clarify wrong information because I need to provide a lot of evidence about my statements and it takes time. However, I think the overall message was given. Things like “the chimera created the pregnancy system”, or “the galactic super-wave will reverse the mini ice age during the solar minimum”, or “we have cut the waiting time for the divine intervention by half”, and etc. are just a few examples of misinformation.

You can disagree with me if you want, however, we will hardly have a mini ice age now if it didn't happen at the peak of the solar minimum, as the solar activity now is only increasing.


Also, it was stated to us that we had cut the waiting time for the divine intervention by half in 2017, while it was a common sense at that time that the deadline for the intervention was 2025. Therefore, at most in 2021, we should have seen the divine intervention, according to that inaccurate theory.

So, my best recommendation for you is, believe in what YOU think is right. Nobody knows everything, the Source or ETS won’t tell anyone everything, and up till now we have seen almost 0 (zero) proof about statements made by UFO enthusiasts. Even though some of these statements are well spoken and make a lot of sense in the possibility realm.

segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2023

Just a few words

I've been informed that the light forces are assaulting FEMA'S Mount Weather right now. The underground base of the chimera group there is under attack, and there is a very strong negative presence in that base, with shape-shifting spiders and other "pennywise" like creatures.

Please, send your prayers for the light forces for the assault to be as quick and successful as possible.

I'm going to start writing a summary about the galactic wars situation, in a text that needs to be urgently spread to the religious people. There are many religious concepts and ideas that are genuine and truthful, and we need to get those genuine information and combine it with information about the cabal (satanists), extraterrestrials (angels and demons), the galactic wars (the war in heavens) and etc.

The more the lightworkers (from all the religions, groups and strands) unite in a single and focused intention of world peace and planetary liberation, the better. We also need to make it clear that is important to REALLY practice what the religious teachings tell us, and not only repeating it, while we behave the opposite.

After that text i'm going to post a text about the origins of the reptilian race (my race, since my soul is draconian), and perhaps a part 4 about how I cleared huge amounts of darkness, with many details and mind blowing secrets that I previously didn't know about.

For now, just please pray for the liberation of Mount Weather and help spreading the future summary of the galactic wars to as many religious people as possible, it will be a huge help.

Victory of the light!

quinta-feira, 15 de junho de 2023



The human fake light workers working for the cabal have started being removed also. 

Bye-bye! 😁





Original post: The process of the collapse of the human society has started. This is the final stage (that could have been avoided, by wasn’t) of collapse that will lead to visible changes of the human world forever.

This process won’t happen overnight, but if is safe to say that things in the human society will become worse from now on, until the moment of the collapse.

Humanity had the chance to avoid this collapse, but they rejected it. This blog, and some of it’s posts, like the “ENOUGH TEARS” post, were some of the final chances to humanity, but humanity has rejected the chances. After that, the Source decided to start the process of collapse.

Differently from what many think, it WON’T be a quick and easy collapse, where the divine intervention will follow in a few days or weeks. It is a process that must be really felt by humanity, so humanity can see the fruits of it’s choices clearly and very visibly.

After the collapse, I don’t know how long it will take until the post-collapse phase ends, but in my personal opinion, it will not be longer than six or nine months until the divine intervention starts. These six or nine months, however, will be very tough and hard for us all. It’s our shared fates.

I don’t know neither how long it will take until the society collapses, but the Source told me there is a deadline. Only the Source knows the date of that deadline though.

I know also that it will involve the fall of the United States. The United States is currently a country that is responsible for a huge amount of suffering, wars and poverty in the world, and a country like that can only follow the path of self destruction.

We light workers and light warriors (religions included) must try to decrease the severity and the suffering of this collapse. There is a lot we can do to make things better, but the ground crew wasn't able to avoid the collapse. The main reason why the ground crew wasn't able to do that, is because the majority of them are masked and partially evil, the light workers are NOT really the good guys in many of the situations.

There was a very big interest in dark beings for coming to the physical plane, now that the situation in the etheric and non-physical planes is more difficult for them (there is still negative presence there, though). They were using portals, jump rooms and other techniques to manifest themselves in the physical plane, where the situation for them would be better, at least for now.

So I asked The Elohim Command to start intervening to defend our physical realm. This was already possible, and one of the main reasons why was the mass prayer we did on May, asking for God to protect our world.

So The Elohim Command is now destroying portals, jump rooms and other technologies of the dark forces, using the Mjolnir, to prevent more dark beings from coming to the physical realm.

This was an urgent issue. There are about 500 million physical negative beings on the physical plane, among humanity, and they are not beings reincarnated in human bodies, they are shape-shifting demons and they prey on humanity. If that number kept increasing, a lot of death would take place on the surface, mainly in abandoned areas like caves, deserted cities, abandoned buildings, underground bases, hidden areas and etc.

By the way, it’s highly recommended for these dark beings, all of them, to surrender. The more the time passes, the more dangerous it becomes for them, to being sent to the maximum punishment.

The light forces have created an artificial planet, similar to the Earth in some aspects, to trap demons and other negative beings. That planet is called Kaosbane, the dark matrix. It’s a place of great suffering and destruction, and no demon is safe there. They kill, eat and torture each other all the time there. Being sent to that place would be a nightmare to the demons of Earth, and the other types of maximum punishments would be a nightmare too.

The Source wants to save the dark beings, as many of them as possible, and this little time that we have left before the divine intervention is all that is left for the dark beings to surrender. They won’t have any more chances.

As I said, nobody knows when the intervention is going to happen, it could be tomorrow, it could be next week, we don’t know. So the beings of darkness should grab the chance when it still exists.

They should not allow a virus, known as the anomaly, to destroy them and send them to the eternal oblivion. They also have to understand that they are NOT inferior to anybody else, and therefore they don’t need to prove that they are not inferior (because NO ONE is inferior than anybody else).

All this situation has only caused suffering and pain to us all, with multiple humans, reptilians, felines and many other species being erased in the central sun. The only ones who are being benefited from this are the true leaders of darkness, that are using the beings of darkness as cannon fodder, while they live their luxurious lives.

There is still time to change, though, and each passing day the chance is diminishing. It’s time to think reasonably now, and not allow your soul to be destroyed forever just to serve the interests of a bunch of selfish bastards. If they ask the Source, they will be helped and protected, so that they can start their process of healing and redemption.

sábado, 10 de junho de 2023

To the genuine light workers

I’d like to thank the few of you who support and respect my work. We, the genuine light workers and light warriors, may not be many, but we are the main responsible for holding the light on this planet.

Now that there are not any more doubts about my feats, I must tell you that nothing will change about the masked “light workers”, they will simply pretend they don’t know about me and this blog. However, I’m very happy that I was able to defeat the evil in their hearts, they know now that I’m indeed the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness and there is nothing they can do about it. They will hear me now, even though they will pretend they don’t.

I’m very happy also because I won’t be remembered by the whole universe as an envious man 😁😜.

I have already asked the Source not to allow the people who don’t like me to get close to me, after I start receiving recognition from the whole universe for what I did. I’ll want only the 20% or less of authentic light workers and the genuine light forces close to me, as friends and buddies. The only exceptions could be maybe about serving me and my future wife. The Source said he/she will honor my request, fake people won’t get close to me.

We that are authentic in our light work need to prepare for the collapse of the society, however. We’ll have a lot of work to do in the future, as humanity almost as a whole, with it’s negative actions, has already sealed it’s fate to the collapse. They don’t want and won’t change.

It’s inevitable. The fake people can fool each other, but they can’t fool the Source. The Source knows who they really are. It’s even uglier if you are an envious person when you have a global responsibility to guide people.

These are my words, evil has lost again.

quarta-feira, 7 de junho de 2023

The Elohim Command

It looks like I won the challenge. There was at least one known person that posted the challenge (without any answer), about asking if I was lying about being the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness or not.

I decided to ask also, but I wanted to make sure that my comment would be accepted, so I used another profile, and STILL my comment was rejected.

It is also possible that other people asked the same questions, but had their comments rejected. I think it is pretty clear now that I am indeed the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness.

Also, it’s pretty clear why he rejected the comments, I don’t need to tell you the obvious.

I would like to see the faces of the aholecon triggered people now 😂.

But anyways, talking now about other subjects, there was a huge urgency to create ORDER and discipline among the light forces. As you can obviously see, many members of the light forces (not all, of course) are jealous, masked, treacherous, greedy and etc.

Some of them want to be stars

In a world with needs like this:

I will repeat here,
AGAIN, that I’m not talking about all of the light forces. There are many brothers and sisters of light (from many races) who are doing an excellent job, and they deserve our total respect, gratitude and admiration.

Therefore, due to the urgency, I have created, together with the Source, another group of freedom fighters that will be the central authority of the light forces, this group is called The Elohim Command.

The Elohim Command is under total control of the Source (God), and their main staff (the Elohims and High Angelic Beings) are ascended and beyond duality. That means that things like jealousy, envy, greed, betrayals and etc. Won’t affect them. Thus, they are perfect to lead the light forces in general. Lack of a central authority has always been a problem within the light forces, actually, but this will end now.

I don’t need to talk much more about this situation, but I have to say that I’m frankly sad with the behavior of some members of the light forces. If I wasn’t the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness, I would be very happy that someone did it, so we ALL can be free one day and soon.

It’s important to note also that the war of the cabal versus humanity is NOT a war of the light versus darkness, at least on Earth. It’s a war of the darkness versus the partial darkness. That is the reason why it is so difficult to solve this situation.

And as I can see, it will continue so. My personal opinion is that the Source will allow the situation to continue until the possible limit, and then he/she will resolve the situation, perhaps out of pity of the Earthlings.

This is very sad, but if people don’t want to change, then let them be responsible for the reality they live. I have created the plan to fix the world and it didn’t receive attention at all. I don’t have a big number of followers and will continue not having, because I don’t (and won’t) write what people want to read. I write what I think it’s right and what I think it’s necessary for this situation to change. By the way, I won't try being nice with these people anymore, i'm done with their arrogance.

If people who call themselves light workers can’t even ignore negative suggestions from alien implants, and support a plan to fix their own world in very plausible manners, why should these people be considered positive?

No more for today, have a nice day.