domingo, 28 de maio de 2023


This is a challenge to all lightworkers, specially the ones that don’t like me.

We have seen many explanations and theories on why even though all the bombs are removed, the divine intervention has not happened yet.

Actually I partially agree with many of these explanations, but I can safely say that there are ways to bypass these so called problems. If you read this blog carefully you'll know what I mean.

You are free to believe in whatever you wish however (even though it should be very logical that a single mass distance attack on the cabal or their central computers would be enough to end the war at this stage). This is the so called war of the narratives.

Narratives where some people think it’s immoral to start the event in a world where 2 people and 17 animals die every second, just to “protect lives”…

Believe in whatever you want to.

But here is my challenge now: I’d like to ask you all, who get triggered by your implants to dislike me, and are weak enough to comply with the implants, to ASK "him" if I’m not really the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness. Where to ask is obvious.

You don’t need to ask if I’m right or wrong in my other opinions and points of view, but only to ask if I’m REALLY the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness or not.

He may not like me, but I don’t think he will be dishonored to the point of lying, saying that I’m not that person.

Please, do it and show me his answer. I’ll only accept official answers.

If he says I’m not the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness, all I’m going to do is to publicly apologize. I won’t close the blog, nor feel ashamed, because I’m only a human and I can also commit mistakes. What is important, actually, is the overall mission of this blog, and most of you don’t respect this. I'm also honest and direct in this blog, and I don't offer easy rewards here, talking about a nearby, effortless and colorful divine intervention. These are also some of the reasons why the implants are able to manipulate people against me.


I don’t think he will say I’m not the person. He may disagree with many others of my statements, we all can have different opinions, but if he is an honored man, he WON’T lie, saying I’m not the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness.

So this is my challenge to you. I’ll be waiting.

sábado, 20 de maio de 2023

ENOUGH TEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

Post updated to version 2.0, Updated again to version 3.0


As you can see, all toplet bombs are gone.

Some of you may have been surprised that even though the bombs are gone, we didn’t see any divine intervention.

I’m going now to start the process that will culminate in this intervention.

I know many of you don’t like me, and some of you are jealous of me. But I ask you ALL to listen to me anyway.



There are only TWO STEPS we need to give now for this divine intervention to start!!!!

But first, please know something:

THE DIVINE INTERVENTION DIDN’T HAPPEN YET BECAUSE THE LIGHT WORKERS ARE A BUNCH OF JERKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Forgive me for my words, but it looks like this is the only way I will be listened. And Probably you, who is reading, is NOT an exception, sorry.

There is NO such thing as “the masses are still too much programmed, and the intervention would create chaos, food shortages and etc.”

The light forces could easily teleport boxes with food or medicine to the houses of the people with Mjolnir Quantum Cannons. The light forces could easily paralyze people who freaked out and tried to harm others (with stardust technology). They could easily beam energy to generators, cables and transformers, or even to light poles or the sockets of the houses of people (from their motherships or via Mjolnir). The light forces could solve ALL the possible problems of the surface population during the event.

AND also, the light forces could, WITH A SINGLE MJOLNIR SEQUENCE, remove ALL remaining darkness from this planet. Remember when we were told that the dark forces were trillions upon trillions in numbers, and a few months later, their numbers dropped to only a few millions? Yes, that is the power of Mjolnir.




THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to live to see the event, then LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!

The first thing we need to do is to UNITE with the religions (I’ll show in this post how it is possible).

As you could see, our mass prayer surpassed the number of participants of the mass meditation. I would never even DREAM that this would happen.

I thought only about 500 people would join our mass prayer. But I was WAY wrong…

The math is simple, there are much more religious people than spiritualistic UFO community members (light workers and light warriors). That’s why we were able to reach so many people, even though this blog is not very supported at all.

So this means that if we work together, WE CAN SATURATE THIS EARTH WITH LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Do you think you are a real light worker??????

How do you treat your neighbors???

Very well, right??? You are very kind to them, right???

And how do you treat your parents? Your sons and daughters, your brothers and sisters, the people you consider to be ugly, the homeless, how do you treat people in your YouTube comments???

THINK. And most likely you will find MANY flaws. Situations in which you were not “love and light” AT ALL.

These flaws WON’T GO unnoticed by the Source. It’s the very EXACT thing that we need to correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m not saying that the light workers are evil. I’m only saying that they are sometimes masked, and partially-evil. This is what allow darkness to control our planet.

If 51% of the light workers start correctly holding the light (currently only about 20% do), our works for the light will begin to really have impact on the planet, and this will lead to other positive transformations.

When we reach 60% or more of light workers doing a proper job, tectonic changes will begin. This will lead to a huge awakening, because billions of people are religious (more than 85% of humanity).

Maybe we may not even need 60% or more to start the event, could be much less, because the event is only a inicial transformation.

So all I’m asking you, if you want this planet to be free soon, is to do these 2 things:

1 - Unite with the religions

2 - Remove your mask if you have one and BECOME A REAL LIGHT BEING!!!

See your mistakes and change, the planet needs this to be able to transform into a light planet.

And yes, it’s possible to teach everything we know to the religious people, and in the future I’m going to create a blog post summarizing the planetary situation, and the light vs darkness war, to religious people, using REAL and authentic religious concepts.

If you want to have the chance to see the event in the near future, you will have to help me to spread that blog post.

As you can see, there are no more excuses now. The reason for this eternal delay has been exposed to you. I don’t know what it’s gonna happen if you don’t listen to me, but… I know what WILL happen if you DO listen to me.

And it’s The Event, also known as the Divine Intervention.

The choice is yours.



We have received reports about several problems that the light forces face related to the surface population, and according to this report, these problems are the reason why the event doesn't happen.

First, I'd like to say that I agree with the vast majority of the report, HOWEVER...

Those are NOT unsolvable problems to the light forces, and even less to the Source. You will see below:

1) Problems with bio-weapons, chemical weapons or directed energy weapons: The light forces can easily and instantly remove these weapons at distance with Mjolnir Quantum Cannons. They could also destroy the weapons at distance. The coordinates of the weapons can be scanned and locked by the Artificial Intelligence of the Mjolnir Quantum Cannons, to remove them all when the light forces wish to.

 2) Problems with conventional weapons, knifes, etc: The light forces can easily paralyze the attacking individual with Stardust Technology. It's important to note that Mjolnir can lock on a target and standby for a long period of time, and when the Artificial Intelligence mechanism of the Cannon detects danger, the target can be instantly paralyzed with Stardust beaming at distance. These conventional weapons can also be removed or sabotaged at distance via Mjolnir.

 3) Problems with retaliation mechanisms from the cabal: The light forces can easily threat even the pants of the cabal member, warning that the cabal member will be sent to the maximum punishment if he or she tries to harm innocents.

This maximum punishment can be avoided if the cabal member does not cross the red lines, but some of the maximum punishments consists of:

- Sending the target to Kaosbane (the prison planet matrix created by the light forces to trap demons, where they kill and torture each other 24 hours per day, 7 days per week).

- Sending the target to a virtual reality chamber, where they will experience ALL the horrors they have done to others, by their own hands.

- Sending the target to their previous victims.

- Paralyzing the target for many centuries with Stardust Technology.

- Among others.

4) Problems with implants: The light forces can easily beam JAMMING signals to the area of the implants, via Mjolnir. This process can be done in mass with the Artificial Intelligence of the system. As it is an automated and permanent process, it won't demand excess of hard work and won't have a big room for error. The light forces can also damage the synapses or the components of the implants at distance, via Mjolnir, and thus interfere with the signal of the implants. 

I also believe it's 100% possible to completely remove the implants with Mjolnir Quantum Cannons at distance.

5) Problems with monitoring systems from the cabal: They can monitor, yes. But do they want to be sent to Kaosbane? 

No, they don't want. Therefore,  there is no problem if they "monitor" things, right?

6) Problems with Ionospheric Heaters: The light forces can easily beam JAMMING signals to the area of the heaters, via Mjolnir. This process can ALSO be automated to make things easier for the light forces. They can also threat the cabal members not to do anything funny with these weapons, or they will have to hide to sleep, when they are sent to Kaosbane.

They can also completely destroy these Ionospheric Heaters at distance, with Mjolnir.

7) Problems about possible food shortages, energy blackouts and etc. Were already debunked earlier in this same blog post. Plus, the support from the Source and the Ascended Masters would make it impossible for errors to occur. Divine and positive protection to all who needed could be easily provided, and the Artificial Intelligence of the light forces would make everything easier, faster and more manageable.

To conclude everything:

Even though I AGREE that these are real challenges we face, there are ways to prevent the negative scenarios related to them. The truth is: The more light exists on Earth, the easier it will be to start the event with minor setbacks or no setback at all. So a REAL light network, with REAL light workers is essential, and currently we are not doing a proper job in this area.

Thus, it continues being as I said earlier, it's all a REFLECTION of the Earthlings and the Earth. All we can do to help is to shine the light with more strength, keep meditating and praying, and saturate the planet with REAL light.

Victory of the light!



Actually, there is an even easier and faster way to solve all the so called "problems that prevent the event from happening now".

The light forces just have to instantly remove all the necessary cabal members with Mjolnir, so that there will be no one in the bases and other locations of the dark forces to create retaliations if the event happens.

That is completely possible with multiple Mjolnir Quantum Cannons. And the rest of the "problems" would be very easily manageable with protection techniques using Stardust Technology, the Mjolnir itself and etc. Any eventual loss of life could also be easily reversed with advanced technology.

It is THAT simple xD.

quarta-feira, 10 de maio de 2023

Clarifications about the Plan B

There were mixed reactions about the Plan B to The Event. I won’t comment on them because each person has the right to have his/her own opinion.

I must remind you, however, that the Plan B is only an option to try to stop with the suffering of humanity, if for morality reasons God doesn’t want to start The Event.

If this will be the only chance God will give to humanity, there is no point in “disagreeing” with it. To disagree with this option (an option not perfect, I agree), we need to deserve a better one, what is currently not the case.

We will be ALREADY depending on the pity of others in the Plan B, actually. Who do you think will donate the machines to clean the streets, for example? People will have their monthly basic money income, therefore they won’t want to work cleaning the streets, for example. This technology will be donated by the light forces, they will do us a favor actually.

Do you really think that “light workers” who are cold and cruel enough to say what is written in the image below, really deserve a perfect world?

As I already said once, the light workers are supposed to be the vanguard, the best examples of compassion, love and respect in our planet. If the vanguard is like this, we can already imagine of the others… They won't be compassive, lovely nor respectful, don't you agree?

Most people who read what I write know it is truth, but they don’t admit it, for pride and whim. They can do it freely if they want, the result will be only one anyway, more suffering for humanity. Humanity doesn't want to change? God will say "ok".

Anyways, there are reports about people talking to me via comments, and saying that I’m rejecting these comments. I didn’t reject any comment up to today, it was the cabal who blocked the communication most likely.

They are going to be punished for this.

Victory of the light.

domingo, 7 de maio de 2023

The Plan B for The Event (Part 2)

Now in part 2, I’m going to share with you the details of the backup plan for The Event. I must reassure here again, not to create confusion, that this Plan B is only a second option to be applied if necessary, but the main option is still The Event itself.

I need to make it clear that there is no option to “disagree” with this idea. To disagree with this Plan B, humanity would have to morally deserve a better option, and as I said, unfortunately only about 10% of humanity are genuinely positive, and non-masked. Therefore, this Plan B is being created to improve the situation of humanity as much as possible, without being unfair.

It all will start with a mass operation of the Light Forces, which will use Mjolnir Quantum Cannons, to instantly teleport 90% of humanity and some animals to a new planet. This planet will be 100% controlled by the light forces, and it will be a partial quarantine of light. Some positive beings will be allowed to enter the planet, to help humanity and etc. But nobody will be allowed to leave without permission.

All the human structures, like houses, buildings, churches, markets, schools and etc. will ALSO be teleported. The only things that will change will be the environment, like trees, mountains, rivers and etc.

The cabal will ALSO be teleported to this new planet, but they will be only allowed to use their human form, and the cabal members who could shapeshift in the past, won’t be able to do it anymore. Demons and other creatures will NOT be allowed in this new planet, but there will be cases in which negative beings reincarnated in human bodies will be allowed to go (because 51% of humanity has to reject evil for something like this to change, what clearly didn’t happen yet).

Then, full disclosure will start in the television. There will be a permanent TV and internet channel that will sometimes be used by the Source to assist people and inform some things to the masses. It will be stated in those channels what happened with humanity, that they are in a new planet, and everything will be explained, about the cabal and etc. It won’t be revealed, for example, that the political left vs political right mentality was a trap created by the cabal to divide humanity. These kind of things, humanity will have to see for itself.

Then, after the early turmoil, humanity will have to decide what to do with the cabal.

A hint I’m going to give you, that are going to that planet, is to organize a simple mass meditation with 144.000 of the light workers (as many of the light workers will be sent there also) visualizing the mass arrest of the cabal. Protests can also work, and then the light forces will arrest the cabal for you.

If humanity elects to arrest the cabal, it will be a great start. Then, life in this planet will follow as explained bellow:

- There will be a cure for ALL of the illnesses. People will still be allowed to become ill, but they will be healed in 100% of the cases. No chronic pain anymore neither.

- Starvation will NOT be allowed anymore on the new planet. Yet, poverty WILL be allowed to a certain degree. People will receive their monthly basic money income, they all will have a house and a car, food on the table, free health care and etc. But humanity is still very egoistic, therefore social inequality will be allowed to a certain degree. There will be the low, middle, high and very high classes. The low class, as I said, will be taken care of to a great degree and they won’t starve or go homeless anymore. Street animals will be well taken care too. It will be up to humanity to change the social inequalities.

- Death as we know will cease to exist. Yes, people and animals will still be allowed to die, but the deceased people in the spiritual world will be allowed to talk to humanity and see humanity via whatsapp video calls and other of these type of softwares.

Unless 51% of humanity accepts that life after death as the spiritualistic viewpoint explains it, is real, the deceased people won’t be allowed to revel much about their spiritual world to humanity via internet. They will only be allowed to say that they are fine, that they still exist in heaven, will be allowed to make video and audio calls, interact with humanity via virtual reality, dreams and etc.

It is only fair that humanity starts receiving more proof about the spiritual world only when it stops being stubborn, and accepts that the life after death as the spiritualistic viewpoint sees it, is indeed real. At least 51% of humanity will have to accept it, otherwise the deceased people won’t be able to reveal much about their daily lives.

Deceased animals and children will be allowed to hibernate in the spiritual world, if their parents wish to, and this will prevent them from having to wait many years until they see their families, when their families arrive in the spiritual world after death. These children and animals could be woken up from time to time, so that their families on "Earth" will be allowed to talk to them, and see them via video calls or dreams (yes, the animals can also talk in the spiritual world).

In the spiritual world, there WON’T BE this evolutionary game anymore. The spiritual worlds will be 100% controlled by the Source (God) and the Ascended Masters (Saints), and there will not be a reincarnation trap cycle anymore. Therefore, in the spiritual realms, TRUTH will prevail. There will still be hell regions, though, for very negative humans.

- Vegetarianism and veganism won’t be forced upon those who don’t want it, HOWEVER, the animals will have to be treated with respect. There will be several laws and rules on how to slaughter animals for food without suffering and with respect and honor to the animals. Minimum ages for the animals to be slaughtered will also need to be respected.

- This new planet will be 100% clean. However, humanity will still be allowed to use fossil fuels and other of their industrial mechanisms. If humanity fails to maintain this new planet clean, humanity will have to face the consequences of it.

- Humanity may have to go through a mental and physical reset, for it to be able to see things with beauty again. It will be taken care of by the light forces, and humanity will really feel it is a new fresh beginning.

- Religions will be allowed to a certain degree. Negative religions, with sacrifice or devil/demons worship will be banned, and the truth about them revealed to humanity by the TV/Internet Channel of God.

- Governments will be allowed, but if humanity elects for the cabal to be arrested, only genuine humans will be allowed to govern. However, these humans could be flawed, left or right wing oriented, and it’s up to humanity to change this limited understanding about politics by itself.

There will be divine orders, however, that nobody will be allowed to disobey. There will be fail-safe, 100% secure methods in which the Source will communicate these divine orders.

- Humanity will be allowed to receive all the banned-by-cabal technologies from throughout the Earth history. All humanity needs to do is ask for it with the critical mass numbers. You from the ground crew will have to be leaders of the society.

- Crimes will still be allowed, as 51% of humanity didn’t internally change enough for it to stop. Know that most of the crimes happen because of social inequality, and humanity didn’t yet work hard enough to change social inequalities. However, prisons will be restructured to REALLY recover the prisoners, and not to torture them with bad life conditions.

- LGBT mentality will also be allowed to exist. It’s up to the LGBT and anti-LGBT communities to learn how to live at peace with one another. There will be limits to immoral behavior in the eyes of God, though. Sexual arousing for religious figures, for example, will NOT be allowed by God.

- Wars WILL be allowed to a certain degree. These wars will only be allowed in arena cities, free from civilians and real civilian structures. God will allow wars because humans still elect to hate each other to a great degree, but only those who really want war will be allowed to go to war. No more innocents dying in wars, cities being bombed, and etc. Nuclear arsenal will be GONE forever.

If the USA and China, for example, want so badly to go to war, let them go to war, but only in arena cities and with rules. I’ll make it clear here that the losing side of the war will be more impoverished after the war, because of the billions wasted on military gear, weapons and etc.

Both countries can agree to payments and prizes to the victor of the war. There will be limits to the impoverished countries, of course, and no country will be as poor as they were on Earth.

- A different working routine will be suggested by God, with 4 days of work (one day being a home office and the 5th day being an optional day). Humanity will be allowed to reject these suggestions if they wish to.

As the negative machinations of the cabal won’t be allowed anymore, a hard working human will be able to achieve prosperity in more or less 10 years of work.

- Establishments will open 9 or 10 a.m. This needs to be done because people need at least 8 or 9 hours of sleep per night. Essential establishments will be allowed to open earlier.

- I don’t know if light workers will be allowed to leave this light quarantine. Most likely not, because it’s one something to want to leave this place, and another to morally DESERVE it.

As you can see, this is in many aspects, a paradise for the Earthlings. No illnesses, limited poverty, no death as we know it, limited wars, a clean planet, a refreshed humanity, etc.


This is not a real paradise yet. The changes in society would be too many, and I can’t talk about all of them here. Yet, I think you already got what I wanted to explain. All the really negative things of our society will be erased forever, and some negative things may remain with a lot of limits and rules.

This is as much as humanity can get if this Plan B needs to be implemented.

Humanity will be given a specific number of years, which I don’t know exactly how many, to show the universe it has changed, but IF HUMANITY DOES NOT CHANGE, then humanity will have to be separated, with many groups being sent via Mjolnir to different planets in the Pleiadian Star Cluster and other areas according to the vibrational frequency of the people.

And if humanity fails again, it will be remembered as the joke of the Milky Way.

So, as you can see, it won’t be a perfect world, but yet, it will be much, much better than what we have now. It will be like in the 90’s, but actually much better, because humanity will be fresh, healthy and in a 100% clean planet.

I don’t know if the Plan B for The Event will be chosen by God, but if it is, the insanities that happen in the current world will be gone forever. Humanity will be allowed to start over, without the cabal, without implants, without entities, and the real moral test of the humans will be allowed to start.

So my request is: Pray for The Event, but say in your prayers that if God is not allowed to start The Event in the near future, that he/she at least starts this Plan B as fast as possible. It will be a great help already, a fresh new start with a very high chance of success for humanity!!!

Victory of the light!!!!!!

The Plan B for The Event (Part 1)

As you can see, the cabal is escalating everything again after the mass prayer and meditations of May 1th and 2th.

Even though I can only talk with details about the Mass Prayer, as it was promoted by myself, I must confess that I already suspected that it would happen.

Yet, I can reassure you that our Mass Prayer has been extremely successful. As I said, we prevented the coming of the Antichrist and a full scale alien invasion on the surface. We also united, for the first time ever, people from multiple religions with the spiritualistic UFO community, in a single objective of world peace. Not only more than 144.000 people were praying together (it was actually around 250.000 people), but also the Angelic Galactic Forces were also praying with us. It was something very positive!!! Other than that, we surely made things harder for the cabal in general, also regarding wars.


These achievements unfortunately were most likely only to decrease the level of damage being done by the cabal. I may be wrong, but I don’t think that these events of early may will manifest The Event in the near future. I want to be wrong, as I also want The Event, but I don’t think I’m wrong.

Yes, this is very sad, but as I told you earlier, no matter how many meditations and prayers the Earthlings do, if they don’t change on the inside, NOTHING will ever change. Actually, if humanity was very morally-oriented, the path towards The Event would be natural.

However, the situation on Earth is getting to the point where it could start to dishonor our creation (The Universe). And I decided to ask something to GOD (The Source) to see if there could be a way out of this, even though humanity is not very morally-oriented.

And the answer of God was YES!!!!!!!

I’m going to explain you now the Plan B for The Event.

First of all, this is only a backup plan. The first option is still The Event (Divine Intervention). Also, I can’t give dates, because only the Source knows the dates, and if the Plan B will be really necessary. All I asked to God was to apply this Plan B as soon as possible if, for morality reasons, humanity can’t receive the gift of The Event.

Some of you may think that The Event doesn’t happen because of the toplet bombs, but I’m going to prove now that this is not the case.

As you know, the dark forces occupied many planets throughout the galactic wars. The chimera group came to existence millions, if not more, of years ago, and they already had access to toplet technology.

So, HOW do you think that other planets throughout the universe were liberated? Why didn't the chimera detonate the bombs? It was stated to us that the negative draconians had technology to block toplet explosions, therefore, the chimera (the leaders of these draconians) certainly have them too.

These planets were liberated because of the power of the SOURCE, that intervened in these situations to liberated the planets, together with the Ascended Masters (The Saints). The Galactic Light Forces were unable to cover and protect all the territory of the extinct Orion Empire (the main empire of the dark forces in the past).

There were many toplet and strangelet explosions that were canceled and nullified by the Source and the Ascended Masters (some explosions were allowed, though).

Those who can't perfectly deal with toplet bombs, are not the Source or the Ascended Masters, but the GALACTIC LIGHT FORCES, the positive extraterrestrials. Even though the Source already knew how the negative draconians were able to block the toplet explosions, the Source can block these explosions with his/her own power. The Ascended Masters can do it too.

And why doesn't the Source do the same here on Earth then?
The answer is simple: Because of the lack of morality of the Earthlings, the Source is not allowed to intervene this way here, according to his/her laws.

That is why the strategies using Mjolnir technology were so necessary here.
If you want to know more, please read the posts "How I cleared huge amounts of darkness 1,2 and 3."

I think this pretty much debunks wrong information about the Source and the Ascended Masters not being all-powerful.

Will continue in part 2

terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2023

Worldwide Mass Prayer Result Report


Please, don't drop your spiritual guards. The cabal (satanist world leaders) are escalating everything again. They planned to do it after our mass prayer and meditation, to create the illusion that we didn't change anything with our efforts. 

It takes some time for the positive changes to come, yes, but we ALREADY made the difference. The cabal is just desperately trying to avoid their inevitable defeat. Their actions will just make everything worse for them, of course.

So please, I ask you to continue doing the Prayer For World Peace whenever it's possible for you

I'm going to post soon here in the blog a text about the Plan B for the event. That plan is just a backup plan for The Event, but it may not be necessary. Although it may not be necessary, it will give hope to a lot of people, because it will show that God will change the situation of this planet one way or another.


Original Post: We were very successful with our mass prayer. Actually, we were so successful, that the results surprised even me in many aspects.

Yes, I was expecting a lot of help and support to our prayer, but I didn’t think we would exceed 144.000 people (the critical mass of humans needed for huge changes to occur).

I was informed by higher forces that we were able to unite much more than 144.000 people praying at the same time. I was also informed that a lot of people from multiple different religions joined our prayer.

I must confess that I’m very happy, grateful and honored. Now I’m going to tell you all the results of our prayer.

We have permanently prevented the coming of the Antichrist. Negative scenarios that were written in the book of revelation are just not possible anymore, because we, together with The Source (God) prevented it.

This change was not only temporary, but permanent. We have also permanently prevented an invasion of the surface of this planet, perpetrated by the Chimera Group (Insectoid demons).

Such scenarios, even though were improbable to happen in the past, could still have happened, but they are not possible anymore, because we changed it all together. The dark forces are losing the Galactic Wars (or The Celestial War if you prefer to call it) badly, and we had to prevent an all out kamikaze style attack in our planet. Our mission has been accomplished.

I was also informed that there are very few deep underground military bases, with presence of satanists, left. For those of you who don’t know, these satanists are known as The Cabal.

Most likely these bases all together are not even 30, although the Light Forces (or Angels, you prefer to call them) sometimes discover new unpleasant things.

Therefore, we can safely assure that the dark forces are on their last legs. Beyond Earth, the Angels are in control of virtually everything, in the underground, and other regions of Earth (specially the spiritual realms), the Angelic Galactic Federation Forces, The Resistance Movement, Pleiadian Fleet, Andromedan Fleet, Syrian Fleet, Positive Repitlians and Draconians fleet, among others, are also doing an excellent job.

Saint Michael (also known as Ashtar Sheran) is also doing a great job with his team, the Ashtar Command. The Angelic forces created a special matrix-like prison to trap demonic forces, specially from the hell regions of Earth (lower astral plane), but also from other few regions of the solar system. I’m going to post a specific blog-post about this prison in the future.

And to make things even better, I was communicated by the Source Prime Creator, that the dark forces of Earth will hardly survive beyond 2025. I don’t know if the dark forces outside of Earth will also be gone by 2026, but most likely yes, since there are very few of them alive outside Earth. This literally means that we will be free of them very soon.

But, this doesn’t necessarily means that The Event (also known as The Divine Intervention) will happen by 2025. Only God knows the real date. Humanity has to improve internally before the Divine Intervention can happen, but we are getting there.

Yet, I’ll tell you all something. You all helped a lot our planet and deserve to know. There is a Plan B for The Event. Even if humanity collectively fails to morally improve and deserve The Event, I have developed a backup plan for The Event that was approved by the Source (God).

For now, I can’t say anything about this backup plan, but I’ll talk about it in the future, here in the blog.

All I can say is that, it will be a paradise for humanity anyway. But for the Galactic Forces (the Angels) it won’t be a paradise yet, just another phase for humanity and it’s evolution, although it will be much better than now.

To conclude everything, I’d like to thank you all who participated on the Prayer. We together made a HUGE difference for the love and light to win in this planet.

Now we need to keep on with our prayers and meditations, sending positive thoughts and emotions to our planet. But we also need to remember that the biggest achievement that we can have, will happen INSIDE of us. Prayers and mass meditations help a lot, yes, but they won’t change our planet if we don’t change from the inside. This is why maybe humanity will have to go through the Plan B, and not necessarily The Event.

Even if that case is necessary, know that God will not allow the insanity that happens here on Earth to continue happening for much longer. I can’t give dates, because only God knows the date. But we are getting close, and the harder we work for the light, the sooner we will receive these blessings.

Thanks again to everyone, and Amen!!!!!