domingo, 28 de maio de 2023


This is a challenge to all lightworkers, specially the ones that don’t like me.

We have seen many explanations and theories on why even though all toplets bombs are removed, the divine intervention has not happened yet.

Actually I partially agree with many of these explanations, but I can safely say that there are ways to bypass these so called problems. The small text below summarizes it all.

You are free to believe in whatever you wish however (even though it should be very logical that a single mass Mjolnir attack on the cabal or their central computers would be enough to end the war at this stage). This is the so called war of the narratives.

Narratives where some people think it’s immoral to start the event in a world where 2 people and 17 animals die every second, just to “protect lives”…

Believe in whatever you want to.

But here is my challenge now: I’d like to ask you all, who get triggered by your implants to dislike me, and are weak enough to comply with the implants, to ASK COBRA if I’m not really the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness.

You don’t need to ask him if I’m right or wrong in my other opinions and points of view, but only ask him if I’m REALLY the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness or not.

Cobra may not like me, but I don’t think he will be dishonored to the point of lying, saying that I’m not that person.

Please, do it and show me his answer. I’ll only accept official answers, through his blog, for example.

If he says I’m not the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness, all I’m going to do is to publicly apologize. I won’t close the blog, nor feel ashamed, because I’m only a human and I can also commit mistakes. What is important, actually, is the overall mission of this blog, and most of you don’t respect this. I'm also honest and direct in this blog, and I don't offer easy rewards here, talking about a nearby, effortless and colorful divine intervention. These are also some of the reasons why the implants are able to manipulate people against me.


I don’t think Cobra will say I’m not the person. He may disagree with many others of my statements, we all can have different opinions, but if he is an honored man, he WON’T lie, saying I’m not the person who cleared huge amounts of darkness.

So this is my challenge to you. I’ll be waiting.

7 comentários:

  1. Greetings friend!!

    I come to you with a question!

    What motivates the "dark"? why do they hate god so?

    my many encounters have left me very curious! they also felt like family that I wanted to bring home.

    I ask because you seem like you've clawed your way out of the abyss like me! maybe you had some interesting conversations and revelations along the way!

    as a side note, you said you are earths greatest hero! why are you trying to prove it?!

    harden your scales and let their words bounce harmlessly to the ground!

    I imagine you are actually waiting for a response from Cobra, but Cobra very rarely interacts with the commenters. your energy will be in limbo awaiting validation from someone besides yourself!!

    you are worthy. you don't need shit from anyone else.

    Peace to you friend!

    1. Hello, Ben, how are you?

      I think one of the biggest things that motivate the dark forces is their inferiority complex. Beings with inferiority complex are capable of even killing other beings just to prove "they are not inferior". Unfortunately the dark forces have huge inferiority complexes, and this is why they don't like to surrender.

      But about the other subject, I myself have never said that i'm Earths greatest hero. All I said is that the SOURCE said that i'm ONE of the greatest heroes of the history of humanity. I just repeated what I was told.

      Cobra could make things much easier for us all, because people trust him. Most of the ground crew does not want to listen to me because they pay too much attention to their implants, and the alien implants bombard people with propaganda against me (because of the damage i've done to the dark forces). But the main problem are not the implants, it's the masked behavior of most of the ground crew, that still chooses to listen to the implants even though they know these "instructions" are immoral.

      Therefore, if Cobra could at least say that i'm not lying when I say I'm the one who cleared huge amounts of darkness, people would start to listen to me and the light quotient of the planet would increase a lot. You see, I didn't see not even ONE person talking about the mass Mjolnir attack solution to start the event. People read the solution, but they pretend it's not something to consider, when actually it's something very logical and rational.

      But... I don't think Cobra will validate my work. I think he will only say that he is not allowed to comment on that subject (even though stopping a possible liar should be considered very important). I also don't think he will lie, because he is an honored man, but I doubt he will support my work.

      See you, Ben!

    2. And just as a quick explanation, if people listened more to me, the light quotient of the planet would increase, because I say a lot here in the blog that the majority of the light workers are masked and partially evil and they don't believe me.

      The proof is out there, however. Countless mass meditations and we didn't even solve the problem with HAARP and other Ionospheric heaters. These things would simply be impossible in a planet with a strong light presence.

  2. It's about time to end the experience we have on Earth. The Source will NEVER allow that to happen again. We all learned our lesson, we now know what darkness means and we all learned something very important and valuable: The importance of being at peace.
    Before darkness, being at peace was natural, but now we know how valuable that is, and this is also a blessing. The Source wouldn't come back in time to erase the birth of the dark forces, even though he/she could do it. There were also many positive things in all this.

    To be a hero or a heroine is not the most important thing, even though we all are considered heroes to the light forces. The most important thing is indeed to end darkness and to liberate the planet, however, truth needs to be respected, it is only fair.
    I feel very honored to be considered a hero by the Source, the one who cleared huge amounts of darkness, if i'm not wrong about being the one. But i'll never be cocky or deluded, I know that I couldn't have done that without all the support, protection and love I received, so i'll always be humble and grateful for the opportunity. The dark forces had to be stopped, otherwise our creation itself could have been destroyed. I dove deep in my own soul and found ways to stop them.

  3. I think you didn't understand what I said. The light forces could end this war in a few minutes using Mjolnir Cannons. Mjolnir is a weapon that can remove any (and many) dark beings at distance by tracking its coordinates. The dark forces can't defend against that.
    The Mjolnir could also be used to destroy the central computers of the cabal at distance with directed missiles or something similar.

    In a few minutes, with a few Mjolnir sequences, there would not be any more "big dark leaders" if the light forces wanted.

    But yes, it's important to put this idea in meditations, although meditations won't be the deciding factor.

  4. To make things less confusing, just read my previous message again. Let's not overextend this topic too much, otherwise the readers may become a little bit confused. I said all I needed in the previous answers. But to summarize, the light forces can destroy the cabal and their computers in the blink of an eye, and things like "lowering a person's vibration" are NOT reasons to delay the event. Just minor things.
