quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2022

October 23th Global Meditation final update

We have 5 days to October 23th, the day of the Rebirth of the Society mass medition, to remove all the toplet bombs with the help of the Source Prime Creator.

There is still time to invite more people and groups to join us, as the more people participate, the stronger will be the results.
Make an effort to promote the meditation in these final days, it will be worthy. If we hasten the process of removing the toplet bombs, the transition to the golden age that we dream so much about will be closer to us.

Even though High Galactic forces are responsible for removing these bombs, we as Earthlings need to help, because this is our planet, and our situation, not theirs. Let's unite as Earthlings, regardless of our differences.

There won't be any more updates here in the blog untill October 23th. I will only post an update after the meditation now, to share the results of our collective efforts.

You can check the exact time of the meditation in your location here:


Instructions for the meditation are here (you can translate online if you need to):


And here is the link to the guided meditation:


See you on October 23th.

2 comentários:

  1. The Ascension process is actually being sponsored by the malevolent AI itself, including false light, the is a real Ascension but its only individuality with oneself becoming their true sovereign nature, confirm this with your source itself, the more you know ❤️

    1. Well, I don't know much about the ascension process, however, sources like Cobra talk about things that were presented to us throughout history, in the buddhism, for example. All the religions have some truths hidden within their teachings, and if we look for these truths carefully, we can find them. What Cobra says is in my opinion correct, because many of his statements are validated by many religious and philosophical doctrines throughout our history.
