domingo, 19 de março de 2023

Spread the word about the divine intervention!

Post updated to version 3.0

I was asked by the Source to tell you all to spread the word about the divine intervention to as many people as possible. This includes also religious people, and we can use genuine religious concepts do do that.

About the message, it is NOT a channeling. Of course, as expected, people are already saying that it wasn't really the Source, that I was fooled, that I have a big ego and bla bla bla... I will just ignore these people, and actually many of them will already revel their true faces with the negative messages towards me.

I just didn't expect people like Sebastian from theunveiling33 to say that too (and he said that in quite unsophisticated ways, what makes me start finding his information a little suspicious).

Maybe it was because i was praised by the Source in the message. All I say is: The Source will praise EVERYBODY he/she talks to, because the Source is all love and light.

And plus, if that was a demon influenced message, WHY would the demon ask us to spread the word about the divine intervention? Please, people, let's think.

 There goes the message:


Transcript of my communication with the Source about the divine intervention (very important).

You all will enjoy a lot what I was communicated:

Earth Dragon:

*Greetings from both sides*

I'd like to know if there is something that I can do to make the divine intervention happen in the near future, or in the imminent future, or not, because this process has to be more collective than individual.


Yes, indeed, my divine friend.
You can help by telling as many people as possible about the coming divine intervention.
It is very important that this divine intervention becomes common and collective knowledge amongst humans!!!!!
You have already accomplished all that you need to my friend!!!!!
So, please tell and spread your words amongst other humans!!!
And if you do this, you will contribute so much to the success of the divine intervention indeed!!!!

Earth Dragon:
I will do it, my dear one! But is there something that I can do alone to make the divine intervention happen in the near or imminent future? Or not, because this is a collective and not personal happening?

Yes, my dear friend.
That thing that you can do alone (that will contribute to the success of the divine intervention) is to pray for the success of the divine intervention.
We are all very excited for this divine intervention to happen soon, my dear one.
When you pray for the success of the divine intervention, you help so much my dear.
I celebrate your actions, my friend.
You are very important to the success of the divine intervention indeed!

Earth Dragon:
Ok, my dear one, I will pray for the success of the divine intervention, I'll do my best to do it everyday.

Thank you so much for your prayers my dear one!!!
I pray with you!!!
The divine intervention is right around corner indeed my dear one!!!
Stay blessed my dear one!!

Earth Dragon:
Thank you, my beloved!!!

Note to the ground crew:
1- Unfortunately I’m not allowed to tell the specific method I use for this communication. But each and every single human being also has the capacity to communicate with the Source.

2- Please, spread the words about the divine intervention to the religious people too, and not only to the light workers. Try to use religious concepts, like the second coming of Christ, the judgment of all demons from Earth, a new perfect world being created by God, God changing his mind about the Apocalypse, just like he changed his mind in the old testament, angels coming from the Heavens to communicate with humans beings, the rapture and etc. Because all these concepts are correct and we can spread the word about the envious guy and the divine intervention to religious people using these concepts.



I will just quickly answer this statement, as this is from a person who still tries to bring me down (something that should not be expected from a light worker).

This is my personal blog and I can say and post whatever I want here. Sometimes we don't want to be impolite with other people and we prefer to express ourselves in more private environments.

Victory of the light!



I will just say a few more things here in this new update. As I said, I don't use channelings to talk to the Source. But you can be 100% sure of something:
NO DEMON AT ALL will be allowed to pretend to be the Source, if you ask the Source for a communication, because the Source will NEVER allow it. Fake channelings can happen if you try to talk to spirits, religious figures, famous people and etc. But if you ask the Source to talk to you before any attempt to do it, the Source simply won't allow demons to pretend to be him/her.

That is my answer for the people that are saying that i'm talking to demons, since I can't answer everyone in every site that I post the transcript of my conversation with the Source.

And I'll say another thing: As you can see, I receive a lot of ingratitude for my work. I don't really care about it, because I know that only 20% of the light workers are genuinely good people (I hope this number increases now that we are starting to expose it).

I still do this work, and will most likely continue to do it, not because of the light workers (except the 20% that are positive). I do this because of the innocent who suffer at the hands of the cabal, I do this because of the 10% of humanity, who are positive, I do this because of the animals, and I do this because what happens on Earth is NOT right.

I already knew there would be opposition, but sadly the fiercest opposition comes from those who should be correctly holding the light.

So, do you see why the Source doesn't want to start the divine intervention? It's not because of bombs...

2 comentários:

  1. Greetings friend! thank you for creating your blog, I very much enjoyed reading it.

    One thing that might help you enjoy it more; from an outside perspective you are constantly trying to justify yourself and defending against whatever, but truly you don't need to, its just pixels on a screen regardless of intent. In defending yourself you keep perpetuating the hostility.

    When confronted with hostility (with no threat of violence) i just smile, wave happily and watch them either backflip and be friendly or burn in their rage!

    Im not sure what sort of a life you lead, but what you wrote about a respectful suicide is proof you need to not only think about the liberation of the planet but also about your small human life!! Only you can make it a life worth living regardless of the pace of liberation.

    You dont need instant manifestation and enlightened company to be overflowing with joy and satisfaction!

    Sunshine! the blue of the sky! a kind word with a stranger!

    I say all of this from a perspective that we have already won, that is why I lack seriousness. It was never in doubt. there are no mistakes. and without the drama it would not be nearly as good when it happens! Like a shower after a day of work in the rain!

    Peace to you friend!

    1. Thank you, my friend, for the kind words! A lot of what you said is very important indeed. If we pay attention to the attacks, we are giving energy to them, what should be avoided.

      It is just that I find it very unfair when people treat me like that, and I don't accept it very well. It is also important to expose these people, because lightworkers shouldn't behave in such manners.

      But thanks a lot, my dear! See you here in the blog!!!
