segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2022

Next steps regarding the plan to fix the world

As expected, we received no response by powerful and influential people regarding the plan to fix the world.

I honestly don’t know if they even received the message, as most of them have their own teams and perhaps these teams decided not to pass the messages along. We contacted them via emails and online website forms.

There is nothing else I can do regarding this subject, but if some of you have any direct contact with these people: President Putin, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Robert Francis Kennedy Junior, Pope Francis, Bolsonaro and Ron Paul, please contact them and inform about the plan to fix the world.

The only thing I ask in exchange is that this blog and my pseudonyms Earth Dragon or Spirit of Justice receive the credits for the plan. Although I don’t really care about the credits, it’s only fair that I receive so, because as I said, powerful and influential people should have already created a plan like the plan to fix the world a long time ago, and didn’t.

Anyway, now it’s up to us. We have to take the plan to fix the world to our national congresses and city councils now, read the whole plan loud and clear, in front of our politicians, and ask for popular support to enforce the plan’s implementation.

As I said, WE DON’T HAVE ANY MORE TIME!!!!!! At every four seconds, one person dies of hunger in our world. WE CAN’T ALLOW THAT TO KEEP HAPPENING, THE PLEIADIANS CAN’T HELP US DIRECTLY, WE NEED TO HELP OURSELVES, WHY THE HECK IS THAT NOT BEING CLEAR ENOUGH????????????????????????????????

If you don’t help me, I won’t promote the plan to fix the world anymore, but that will be an utter shame for humanity. Perhaps in the past we, the citizens, didn’t know how to solve the main problems of the world, but now we know. Who is to blame for our world’s problems, the cabal or our passivity?

Anyone willing (or who knows anyone who wants) to go to their city councils and read the plan to fix the world, loud and clear to our politicians, please contact me at

Ideally we need volunteers in Brazil, United States, France, India, Germany, England, Russia, Angola, Egypt, Iraq, Japan and China (if possible). But people from other countries can contact me as well.

In the near future I’ll create another petition to be signed, as long as people volunteer to help taking the plan to our politicians. If this other petition is created, you will have to help me again to make people sign the petition, because I don’t know if they get triggered by the aholecons or are just lazy, but they don’t usually help me.

That is probably personal, maybe the aholecons trigger them when I’m the messenger, so I’ll need help specially from Cobra this time.

Please, share this message in the lighworkers community so we can get people to help in our efforts.

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