This specific blog is known by a few hundred people and it’s updates are read by a few dozens of people. But, as expected, we receive no answer from light workers or light warriors to take the plan to fix the world to our city councils.
However, I won’t blame this group of people this time. A few dozens of people is simply too little for a project like this. That was when I asked the help of Cobra, from portal 2012.
I’m going to tell you now what happened.
After two emails sent, one being via tutanota (which by the way is probably already in the hands of the cabal, as almost all other things), we received no answer. Well, that is kinda odd, don’t you think? Why wouldn’t Cobra answer a request to help the people of this world?
The answer may surprise some of you.
The vast majority of my attempts to contact Cobra failed. I contacted him to talk about the global quests and other subjects in the past. He answered me one or two times, but only saying a few crude words, not even “hi” or “bye”, he did say.
Although I find it very impolite, I didn’t complain, because I think he does this because he believes the cabal will kill me if he talks to me. He even talked about it in one of his blog posts, but without mentioning my or any name.
Well, let me say something, I had SEVERAL experiences which proved to me that Cobra is real, and what he says is truth. Maybe he is not correct about 100% that he says, but who is?
I had a personal conflict with the chimera controlled british air-force that lasted several years, and Cobra’s intel is deeply related to it. Cobra’s information also matches to many of the truths which I found out in more than 15 years of spiritual journey.
But I’m going to tell you something. The cabal will NOT kill me. I believe in the protection of the Prime Creator of this universe (God), I believe in my light, I believe my guardian angels, I believe in my higher self and ego self, I believe in the galactic forces and I can say: There is at least one Mjolnir quantum cannon cocked and ready to take any threat to me or my loved ones to these threat’s worst destination possible.
I don’t know if I will tell the whole story here in the blog, I’ll do that only if the Source Prime Creator allows. What I can say is that I’m not very patient and I don’t like darkness.
I think that it's possible that in some cases, people may be (believe it or not) jealous of us.
I started to suspect it a long time ago, but I can’t be certain of this. I realized some people are not perfect because of the way they talk to others sometimes, not in the most gentle way possible, you know. People in high positions should be better examples at that… But maybe they won’t change, after all, we are only “rhesus monkeys”, right?
It looks like that this behavioral pattern from military leaders not to listen to the civilians (as they think we don’t know a damn thing) may not only come from humans. If that’s the case, it looks like we’re much more fuc**d than I thought.
Darkness is a reflection of the absence of light from the creation itself, and even though we don’t need to be perfect, much is expected from people from high roles.
It is truth that I cleared huge amounts of darkness, I won’t be a false humble here. But I didn’t act alone, without the help of the Source Prime Creator and the higher self, no human could have done that. The galactic/earthling forces and ascended masters also participated in making it a reality, since it involved Mjolnir technology. Therefore I’ll never pretend I’m a super-man or something, I received and still receive a lot of help, and I’m really grateful for it.
You can kind of feel when something is going on, and as I said, I’m not completely sure about the jealousness part, but that’s the impression I get. What happened involving me and the planetary liberation is probably very known by the positive galactic extraterrestrials.
Anyways, now we have no help to promote the plan to fix the world, and I think it would be unfair of me to blame the readers of the blog.
I don’t know what I will do now. I’ll probably try to find another huge name like Cobra to help, but I don’t have a lot of hope about it. They will probably be triggered by the aholecons too, and won’t cooperate with me.
It is demotivating, because this planet needs so much help, and there is so much we could do if we united. If I can’t find people to help, I’ll release the third classified project out of pity of humanity, it won’t be because humanity (totally) deserves it. All these situations show that the Source is 100% correct not to start the event already.
If even those who are supposed to be the vanguard in the liberation process act like “a bunch of aholecon triggered idiots” sometimes, why should he/she gifts us something that we perhaps don’t deserve?
Think about it.