segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2022

The mirroring system

I'm currently not doing many updates because we need to focus on the Rebirth of the society mass meditation. We can't depend on the envious guy for everything, and if we reach the critical mass, the Source will see it as a clear sign that WE AS HUMANS are taking the situation into our own hands, and will personally help us. That will mean the event happening sooner.

So PLEASE, join us on the meditation at october 23th, and invite as many people as you can to join too. Especially in the 30 or 20 days before the meditation.


But about the update, i'm going to copy and past a comment which I posted at theunveling33 blog, about a method to "change the behavior" of the chimera. But i'll add some extra information here as well.

Here follows my comment:

The solution for all the problems the chimera is creating is to torture their top members, reflecting back at them all the evil they do to others. We won't be doing anything wrong, because we will be only reflecting back at them what they try to create to others (while we protect the victims).

YES, we need to target the top cabal/chimera members, and if they try anything funny, we torture and threat them more (always reflecting the evil they do to others, to themselves). The worst punishment for them, will be to be sent to a virtual reality chamber where they will experience all the evil they have done to others, from all their lifetimes included, done by an artificial copy of themselves, to themselves. But this punishment will be applied only if they try to cross the red lines. They may be sent to their previous victims also, where they will be brutally tortured, and for sure they don't want that.

This is called the mirroring system. They may act tough, but nobody resists that much pressure for so much time.

But to change their behavior, we need to punish them at distance via Mjolnir, projecting directly to them energies that will emulate back the torture they do to others, and the negative emotions they make others feel, like sadness, fear, anger, shame and etc. We remove or lower these energies only when they change their behavior, or surrender. 

We can also hack their brains at distance, asking for the help of the Source, so that every torture they commit to others is felt by THEM also, in real time. We can blow up, remove or sabotage at distance, via Mjolnir, every machine or technology that they may try to use to help or defend themselves.

We can also "poison" (with positivity) their food via Mjolnir, so whenever they try to feed off their victims, they will feel sick and disgusted. That way we'll be protecting other beings from the illegal predactory behavior of the chimera.

We need to start removing stolen (or illegally/immorally obtained) personal belongings from the top members of the cabal/chimera, so that they will experience lack, and we must target their replicators, reserves and additional belongings at distance with Mjolnir (so they can't replicate or have aditional of these things anymore).

We need to create a miserable life for them, just like they want to create to others, with poverty, pain, sicknesses, struggle, fear, doubts and etc. THIS WILL BE THE TIME THAT THEY WILL CHANGE.

We won't be doing anything wrong, because we will be only reflecting back at them what they try to create to others (while we protect the victims). We may negotiate with them to stop this, as long as they change their negative behavior.

If we keep punishing and threatening them for their actions (reflecting their evil back at them), they will be forced to change their behavior, or to negotiate, because they will see no way out of it. It's about time we stop attacking only the lower levels of the pyramid of evil. 

Stay tunned because I may post even more of the countless ideas to solve this sh*t once and for all here in the blog.


For those of you who think that things like the mirroring system are immoral or something, you just  need to WAKE UP. These demons wanted to rape our planet as much as they could, and then flee it and blow it up to feel empowered. Do you really think we need to be all "love and light" with them?

Please note that even the Source Prime Creator wants justice, and that is one of the reasons why this is taking so long. So, release this negative mind programming of yours, that only beneficts the dark foces. 

To reflect back their negativity at them is NOT wrong!

6 comentários:

  1. I fully disagree with you on this topic.

    My own path was to search in me the force to resist such monsters without becoming like them, or one of them.
    This is the way they will win again, converting you into mirrors of themselves, spreading torture and terror from one side to the other, playing from inside/outside and never losing.

    Please try to understand the old wisdom, not to fight fire with fire. Not to aggravate crimes by copying similar crimes, or worsening them.

    In the Sermon on the Plain in the Gospel of Luke chapter 6, as part of his command to "love your enemies", Jesus says:

    But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
    bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either.
    Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back.
    And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.

    — Jesus Christ, English Standard Version (Luke 6:27–31)

    1. I have had confirmation with the Source himself/herself that your kind of thoughts are WRONG. I'm sorry, but justice needs to be done, and sometimes justice can also spills blood. It depends on how grave were the injustices committed.

      These religious dogmas (dark beings mind control) about "everything is love and light" only beneficts the dark forces, you don't understand how evil are our enemies, and that they WON'T learn with softness.

      The only thing that we can't do is to get our hands dirty. But we won't. We'll only allow their all evil to come back at them.

    2. By the way, there is still time for them to escape this fate, but it will depend on their actions. We won't allow them to abuse this planet like they wanted, and then to flee it and blow it up. The more severe their actions, the more severe will be the reflections that they will receive.

    3. I agree with you, that some aggravated crimes cannot go without justice and punishment. We need to protect innocent ones.
      Sometimes, we only need to be witness and to alert "competent autorities", and in special case we need to act ourselves without delay to prevent more victims, and fight with our weapons - non lethal, or even lethal and let ".God Source" do triage for us.

      I disagree to use their own methods against them, or to amplify the problem. Justice is not vengeance or vendetta.

      For example, I will not reflect torture onto them, or terrorize their families, or take their relative hostages ...
      I will not use mass destruction technologies (not the bluff, the real stuff), or propagate non-material poison, or curse them across timelines.

      I know the suffering they caused is not easy to forgive, and will not ask you to forgive them, but to treat ennemies with an honor they sometimes will use against us.

      Because we are imperfect and cannot judge them ourselves without some errors, and worse case you are treating them the way you want to be treated in the same situation.

      "Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."
      Friedrich W. Nietzsche

    4. We weren't talking about hurting their families (unless their families are also criminal and cabal), nor about being dishonored. You need to understand what we mean when we say "reflecting back their evil at them".

      There are limits for everything, for example, most likely the Source won't allow them to be artificially turned into children again (while keeping their adult brains), inside the virtual reality chamber, to receive back the evil they did to children. That doesn't mean, though, that they won't receive justice for what they did to children, but most likely they will be with their adult bodies inside the virtual reality chamber.

      So you need to correctly understand. The morality of the Source is perfect, and he/she is not talking about vengeance, but justice.

  2. I'm going to have to agree with Earth Dragon. There is always truth in all religion yes.. however they dark ones are absolutely using it for mind control purposes as well, the false light/archons love to use religion to manipulate humanity via fanaticism, strong polarization that reflects duality and the whole love your enemy and its all love and light etc thats all new age toxic positivity...please be informed dear brother or sister 💙
