sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2022

In my next posts

For the next posts, i’m going to present to you the Rebirth of the Society meditation, which will be a mass meditation scheduled for the first day of Scorpio (the zodiac sign that represents death and rebirth) aiming to remove as many toplet bombs as possible.

You need to understand that if one of our main blockages towards the event are the bombs, we need to focus on removing them as soon as possible. If we reach one million meditators worldwide, even if we don’t remove all the bombs, it will be a huge leap forward.

I may also make a few suggestion for the positive military on how they can guarantee the implantation of free energy technology safely. If they apply these techniques, they will have all the necessary protection to present free energy technology to the world safely.

I may also start teaching you how to defend yourselves from the dark forces in a infallible way. No matter how hard they will try, they won’t be able to do you any harm.

I may also start denouncing some information regarding mind control which will make it easier for the masses to wake up, I may also start creating petitions to DEMAND the release of technologies created by humans throughout history, but banned by the cabal (they will be forced to comply). I may also start telling you the dark forces weak points, and start a campaign to present the plan to fix the world to the alternative media, for people/websites like Alex Jones, Sputnik International, David Icke, David Wilcock, Project Camelot and others.

Stay tunned, for the next posts are probably gonna be very intense.

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