domingo, 14 de agosto de 2022

Superlight bombs

A long time ago I sent a telephatic message to the light forces, suggesting them the creation of the Superlight bombs. Superlight bombs are very powerful bombs which destroy only negative structures or beings (things filled with primary anomaly), leaving all the rest of the life and structures intact.

These bombs are fed by distance, which means that the explosions will not stop untill we decide to stop it. A single Superlight bomb is able to clear the entire Earth of darkness, and plus, Superlight bombs have the capacity to swallow other types of bombs and explosions, and that includes toplet bombs also.

I'm gonna make a suggestion for the light forces here. If the planetary situation does not change in the near future, please solve everything quickly with a Superlight bomb. Let's give a brief period for the dark forces to surrender out of good will, and avoid this fate (or the maximum punishment), but if they don't, we can solve this situation in a quick and desisive way.

Have a nice day.

Um comentário:

  1. Its pretty interesting that the light forces especially the higher density civilizations that are more super advanced technologically haven't yet dispatched elite sentinels to immediately disable all toplet weaponry set ups..? Why.. which order of light is actually really helping or is this place a multidimensional bootcamp for both light and dark? Always question my brother, why after all these thousands of years has the earth outpost not yet liberated, pretty interesting to me.. hope you're doing well brother 🙏
