domingo, 23 de abril de 2023

Last update before the mass prayer and meditation.

We have more or less one week until the date of the mass meditation and prayer. The situation about Ukraine and Russia is believed to improve a lot after these events, on May 1th and 2th. At least this is what is expected.

Let's share both events, it's important that we don't lose this opportunity, because the cabal is manipulating both sides of this conflict, and a lot of lives are being lost unnecessarily.

A great method to share the events is by filling online contact forms of meditation groups, religious groups, yoga and spiritualistic groups, etc. You can also share the events to all your contacts at once via your personal email provider and social medias.
There is a great chance that if we succeed in our efforts, regional conflicts like the China-Taiwan war, or the war in the Korean peninsula, will be permanently avoided (but again, there is no guarantee, though, as the cabal will keep trying to start world war 3 anyway).

It's a great chance, however, to try to anchor peace to the world! The two events have the potential to boost the positive effects if done one after the other, so please, don't forget sharing the events to as many people as possible!!!!

I have created a promotional video to the mass prayer and meditation, but I won’t share it here because these kind of videos are sabotaged to show a lower view number than the real number, so it’s better to promote the events via text and links.

There is still plenty of time to share the two events! 

Link to the details of the May 2th worldwide mass prayer:

And for those who still don’t see the importance of both events, I’m going to share with you a few “strange news” current and from the recent years, about spiders.


See you on May 1th and 2th!

sexta-feira, 14 de abril de 2023

The mass meditation and prayer approaches!!!

I’m writing this update about the mass meditation and mass prayer a little bit earlier than scheduled.

However, we are on our own regarding the mass prayer. The envious guy won’t support us.

He is rejecting the comments in which I’m asking people to join our mass prayer in his blog, and he also (most likely) rejected my requests to talk about our mass prayer in his blog. Yes, this is completely unbelievable, but truth sometimes is unbelievable. This is not about different views, as he, himself, said that we all must unite, and our points of view are not that important as long as we have the same goal.

So it's up to you to decide why he rejected my requests for help. It will be pretty easy if you are a frequent visitor of this blog. I’m going to support the mass meditation anyway, because it’s not about me or him, but about the planetary liberation.

Anyways, instead of talking about other people, I’m going to talk about myself. And whenever I want to make constructive criticism of people, I’ll won’t use the real names or pseudonyms of people, as a protective mechanism. By the way, our nicknames can sometimes tell a lot about us, my nickname is Dragon, and I would never choose the nickname Snake.

You know, some of you may think I’m going to act arrogantly for what I’m about to say, but I’ll say it anyway, because people will criticize me no matter what I say or do, and it is because of their negative nature, not because of my actions, as I try to be as correct and humble as possible in my actions. But yes, unfortunately, a lot of people are jealous of me.

If you don’t believe in what I’m about to say, feel free to ask the Source if I’m lying. Just please make sure it is really the Source. Ask the Source not to allow any external or negative interference, and for it to really be the Source the one who is talking to you.

According to the Source, I’m one of the greatest heroes of the history of humanity. I’m very famous and cherished by the galactic light forces, and many beings in the free universe know my story. I’m also the Earthling that removed the biggest amount of darkness ever, in all of the Earth’s history.

I’m also responsible for the liberation of countless hostages and slaves in Earth and also in the space, and after the liberation of Earth, I’m going to be treated like a real hero (and not all light workers will receive the same honor and recognition that I will receive).


All of this will lose a lot of its meaning if I don’t act humbly and kindly. I know that I received and still receive a lot of help, support and protection, and I know how HARD and tiring was my path. You don’t know much about my path, only I, the Source/Ascended Beings and my higher self do. Therefore, everything that I achieved, was earned and it wasn’t easy. I had to go through a lot to achieve what I achieve, my father was attacked twice because of this war, among so many difficult things that I had to go though, and this means literally nothing to the majority of you. Instead of receiving gratitude and love, I receive jealousness, hate and irony from most of you.

I’ll make something very clear here. After the liberation of Earth, I WON’T PRAISE HUMANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I WON’T praise the light workers neither!!!!!!!!

On the opposite. I’m going to tell the whole universe the truth about the Earthlings, and the “Light Workers”.

It’s shameful to live in a planet where only 10% of the beings (10% can even be a bigger percentage than reality actually) are genuinely positive.

And then people still wonder why our planet is so negative. The Source has zero accountability for the things that happen here. The real fault is of the Earhlings, and their choices to hate each other, and to want to have more than the others do. And I’m NOT excluding the positive groups and religions.

So, to conclude everything, all I’m going to say is I agree 100% with the Source when he/she says “BRING IT” about the situation of Earth.

If the Earhlings want to behave this way, they really need to be responsible for their actions. I don’t even know if the event will happen anymore, there are other solutions for this planet, without the big party that is the event.

YES, there are exceptions, but I’m not talking about them now, and the exceptions are just a small percentage anyway.

If humanity doesn’t want to change, and wants to fight for it’s egoistic and wrong decisions, THEN BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET’S FIGHT THIS FIGHT UNTIL THE VERY END!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the future we all will see what the fruits of this will be.

I just hope there is light in the end of the tunnel because of the 10% of positive people, and the animals too.

See you in our Mass Meditation on May 1th, and our Mass Prayer on may 2th. Please share both events.

Victory of the light.

sábado, 1 de abril de 2023

Update about our Mass Meditation and Prayer

We have roughly 1 month until the Mass prayer.

I’ll ask the envious guy to support our mass prayer, and I think he will help us. After all, why wouldn’t he support a mass prayer to help our world even more, right?

If he doesn't support us, at least by briefly commenting in his blog about our mass prayer, I’ll post a separate blog post here.

Religious people will be very open to the mass prayer, and this is the perfect opportunity to try making them start mass meditations also.

Yes, we need to unite with the religions. Why will we use only a small percentage of our light army, if we can use the WHOLE army? It’s way past the right time to leave our differences aside and join together, we all believe in God (The Source) and we all want this world to become a positive place, therefore, we need to unite.

The next update of this blog will be around April 15th, 16th or maybe 17th, roughly 15 days before both event. I will try my best to create a promotional video to our mass prayer, and perhaps I will even create a guided audio for the prayer, although that is not necessary for a mass prayer that can be read. We’ll see how things will unfold.

Until then, please, share the mass prayer, and don’t forget about the religious people, they are an important strength that we light forces have, to help liberating our planet.

Victory of the light!